Judit Baranyiné Kóczy is an associate professor of linguistics at the University of Pannonia, Hungary. Her research focuses on language, conceptualization, and culture within the frameworks of cognitive semantics, Conceptual Metaphor Theory, and Cultural Linguistics. The main fields of her investigation include body-part semantics, embodied cultural metaphors, and folk cultural metaphors. She published her first monograph, Nature, Metaphor, Culture: Cultural Conceptualizations in Hungarian Folksongs (Springer Singapore), in 2018. Additionally, she has authored various journal articles and book chapters. She is a guest editor of the special issue in Cognitive Linguistic Studies, "Perception, Culture, and Language" (2023), and co-editor of several international volumes, including Embodiment Across Languages and Cultures: The ’Heart’ (Brill, 2023), Cultural Linguistics and the Social World (Springer, in press), and Exploring Interactions Between Linguistic Theories, Language Learning, and Pedagogy (Springer, in press). She was the chair of the Third Cultural Linguistics International Conference (Budapest, June 16-18, 2021).
Veronika Szelid is an assistant professor in the School of English and American Studies, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest. Her research interests lie in the relationship between language, culture, and cognition. Her publications and research topics are about the metaphorical conceptualization of emotions and morality, the linguistic and multimodal metaphors of folk poetry, the visual and multimodal metaphors of folk art, the metaphors of theory-building, and the cross-cultural and language-internal variation of metaphors, in a cultural-cognitive linguistic framework. Her first monograph, Love, Sex, and the Sacred: Moral conceptualization through folk songs, is in press. She is a guest editor of the special issue of Cognitive Linguistic Studies entitled Visual metaphors (2020), and co-editor of several international and Hungarian volumes: Cognition and Culture: The Role of Metaphor and Metonymy (2012), Ünnepi kötet Kövecses Zoltán 75. születésnapja alkalmából [’Festschrift on the occasion Zoltán Kövecses’ 75th birthday’] (2021), Visual metaphors (2022), and Metaphors of anger across languages: Universality and variation (in press).