Don Kulasiri holds a chaired professorship in Computational modelling and systems biology at Lincoln University, New Zealand, during the last 25 years, and he has been an academic over 33 years. He obtained his B.Sc. (Honours) in mechanical engineering at University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, in 1980, and M.S. and Ph.D. at Biological Systems Engineering department, Virginia Tech, USA, in 1988 and 1990, respectively. He has been a visiting professor or a visiting scholar to Princeton University(2004, 2006), Stanford University(1998), USA, and Oxford University(since 2008), UK. His research has been ranked A (world class) by the New Zealand government panels for the last 21 years, and he has graduated over 58 Ph.D. and 15 master’s students and authored more than 200 publications including 6 research monographs, 1 edited book and 1 edited proceeding. He founded (1999) and directs the Centre for Advanced Computational Solutions (C-fACS) at Lincoln University.