İffet KESİMLİ was born in Üsküdar-Istanbul, and attended Babaeski Cumhuriyet Primary School, and Istanbul Erkek Lisesi. Following the English Preparation School of Boğaziçi University, with honors degree she first graduated from Vocational School of Management, and got her B.A. from Business Administration. Within the 10 Young Executive Candidates program of Türkiye Tütüncüler Bankası (Turkish Tobacco Producers’ Bank) and Irving Trust Bank, which were partners at the time, she got training at all departments of the Bank in Izmir and assigned as Assistant Manager became the assistant to the CEO--Dr. Antonio Puja. Following the break of the partnership of two banks, she worked as assistant personnel manager until leaving the bank--moved the headquarters to Istanbul--then started working at Raks Holding as Assistant Manager of Budgeting & Planning Department. Following the radical management changes at the company, she worked as freelancer; assisted budgeting processes of BMC OMPAŞ A.Ş., Rapak Ambalaj, etc., until becoming the partner and manager of Bilda Bilgisayar Sistemleri Ltd. Şti., a software company. Ownership of a trading company and trade life followed.
With two decades private sector experience, she started lecturing at vocational schools. In the meantime, she got her MBA from Business Administration at Trakya University, enrolled with PhD program at the same university--completed successfully in 2015. She is affiliated to Kırklareli University, Lüleburgaz Vocational School as Head of Accounting and Taxation Program and lectures at Lüleburgaz Vocational School. She speaks German and English and Turkish.