圖書簡介相較於一般行政機能的電子化,做為民主社會常態性基本活動的投票,我國僅在計票方面採取電腦連線計票。從選舉糾紛的預防,投開票行政效率的提升,乃至複數異質投開票作業之整合,電子化都是一個誘人的選項,無怪在近年來成為世界各國努力的方向。但投開票作業的電子化並非一蹴可幾,不但實施的方式有多種可能,相關軟硬體也仍在發展階段,需要事前的審慎評估與規劃。本研究之目的即在一方面審慎評估國內的需要與制度、社會條件,一方面參考其他國家之初期實施經驗,然後提出我國實施投開票電子化之規劃方案。 英文內容大要: Despite notable progress in e-government building, Taiwan has sticked with the traditional voting-booth approach when it comes to elections and referendums. The appeal of e-voting is undeniable, but it takes careful planning to chart the best route of deployment. This research will seek to give strategic suggestions to the government based on meticulous evaluation of domestic institutional and social conditions, with reference to comparative studies of other countries' experiences.