本計畫延續第一年工作在於配合國內道路交通特性,以及參考國內外重整號誌時制經驗,結合政策、研究與實務工作,建立號誌時制計畫重整之標準作業程序,期能逐步提升我國道路交通號誌控制水準和整體交通安全與順暢,使號誌時制重整計畫之績效彰顯並有適切之評估方法。內容包括:一、績效評估模式建立,包含效率、安全與環境指標之探討。二、時制轉換控制邏輯標準化研究。三、交控標準化軟體檢討。四、交通號誌時制設計人才培訓會之舉辦。五、進行示範區域時制重建實地測試方案與績效評估與改善。 According to ITS strategies developed by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC), traffic control systems can effectively improve intersection performance. Re-timing of traffic signals is one of the more cost-effective techniques to manage congestion and safety on roads. This project will refer to experiences implemented regarding how re-timing signals improve air quality while reducing fuel consumption, decreasing traffic congestion and getting other benefits, and consider domestic developments in Advanced Traffic Management Systems (ATMS) and domestic traffic characteristics to perform the following tasks: 1.Planning courses and training human resource in timing plan design. 2.Establishing the performance evaluation model for traffic signal re-timing. 3.Conducting re-timing demonstrations in selected areas, and benefit assessments. 4.Reviewing the latest ITS communication protocols and standards published by the Institute of Transportation (IOT), proposing relative suggestions and integrating re-timing with urban standardized traffic control software. 5.Developing standardized timing transition logic contained in the SOP for traffic signal re-timing.