本四年期計畫的研究目標在利用相關的現場觀測、數值模擬及水工模型試驗,探討花蓮港的港灣共振機制。計畫執行中除了進行波壓水位轉換函數的探討、花蓮港現場港內港外波浪及沈箱波壓的統計分析、及建構花蓮港之港灣穩靜度規則波及單方向與多方向不規則波數值模式外,也進行花蓮港的長週期波動的觀測。在長週期波浪觀測中發現花蓮港一直存在著極長週期的波動,颱風來襲期間100秒至500秒間的波動能量則有明顯地增加。在數值模擬方面,除建構規則波、單方向及多方向不規則波之數值模式外,也針對可能的改善方案進行數值模擬與討論,此外也配合92~96年「近岸數值模擬系統之建立」研究計畫成果,探討及測試港灣波動數值模式與近海波浪預報模式結合,並建構花蓮港波浪預報模式。綜合相關研究資料研判花蓮港港內的長週期振盪主要應是源自於外海波動,並由於港形的特殊,使得該成分的能量無法發散至外海而長時間累積引發港內振盪。未來有可能透過針對長週期波動的消波設施的研發來解決問題。本研究成果可提供本所及花蓮港務局,作為後續花蓮港內長週期波動研究的參考資料。 In this four-year research, the harbor resonance problem of Hualien Harbor was investigated by using field measurements, numerical simulations, and hydraulic model tests. The transfer functions between water pressure and water elevation from experimental data. The statistical analyses of field wave data inside and outside the harbor have been analyzed and discussed. For the numerical models of Hualien Harbor, tranquility under regular and uni-directional/ directional irregular wave actions have already been setup. Also, the irregular wave model was connected to a near shore wave prediction system, TAICOMS, to establish a prediction model of wave condition around Hualien Harbor. The observations of long period wave oscillations inside Hualien Harbor and along the eastern coast have been deployed, executed and analyzed. Hualien Harbor was found to contain wave components with very long period oscillations all the time, and the wave components with periods between 100 seconds and 500 seconds have a dominant increase of wave energy during the typhoon intrusion duration. Several possible layouts for the improvements of harbor resonance were discussed via numerical simulations. From the information gathered from this four-year project, the source that causes the long period oscillations inside Hualien Harbor should come from overseas, and amplify the special layout and topography of Hualien Harbor. Wave dissipation facilities for long period waves should be studied to solve the problem. Results of this study have provided valuable references for IOT and the Hualien Harbor bureau to do follow-up research.