港灣地區屬於臺灣各區域的重要產業進出口門戶,影響經濟活動甚鉅。建立有效率的港灣地區防救災體系,可確保災害事件的衝擊降至最低。從整體防救災的觀點,港灣地區的防救災體系必須能夠配合中央、縣市到鄉鎮層級之指導原則,且依照各港灣所在縣市及鄰近地區不同的自然環境、災害潛勢及社經背景之潛在因子,因地制宜的有效合理規劃,並落實到港灣當局的防救災管理運作。本研究係以防救災理論,輔以國內外文獻回顧,相關都市計畫、資料收集、現況調查、研究分析等,加以擬定高雄港、臺中港、基隆港與臺北港防救災體系規劃,並結合地理資訊系統建立資料庫及資訊管理系統。本計畫完成災害防救地理資訊系統、港區內防救災資源、潛在危險區與各類災害標準作業程序、即時災害資訊等資料之具體成果效益。其他單位政府機關可透過網際網路進入本系統瀏覽各項資料,以了解港區內災害之基本特性、分布與災害的防救步驟及方法。除此之外,更可查詢港區內既有之防救災資源狀況,以供各級政府與事業營運單位參考與應用,而達減災之目的。 Harbors are designed as gates for exporting and importing goods. Functions of Harbors are influential on economic activities. An efficient disaster prevention system can reduce negative consequences of disasters and minimize potential losses. From the perspective and integration, management principles across levels of governmental authorities (i.e., from towns and counties to the central government) should be incorporated into the disaster prevention and rescue system on harbor areas. Environmental factors, hazard potentials and socio-economic variables should be considered when the location of harbors is different. A planned customized system would increase its effectiveness and efficacy in the independent management of a prevention system. This research proposed a disaster prevention and rescue system with the aforementioned variables. The system was built on a database of harbor areas across different regions in Taiwan. The Geographical Information System (GIS) was utilized through system planning. Current regulations of disaster prevention and rescue and related literature were reviewed. Furthermore, resource distribution of disaster prevention and rescue was taken into consideration. An empirical study of Kaoshiung, Taichung, Keelung, and Taipei Harbors were then conducted. The results provide guidelines for harbor authorities in disaster prevention and rescue system planning. The benefits of this project include a Geographical Information System and Database for disaster prevention and rescue, the standard operation procedure for disaster and near-real-time information of disasters in harbor areas. Anybody in the government who has an account can access and query all of the maps and data in this system via the web to know the potential areas of disaster, SOP and methods for disaster rescue. It also can query the resources of disaster rescue. Finally, this project provides the governmental staff with more knowledge and resources to prevent and minimize disaster.