臺灣為一海島,四面環海,位處環太平洋地震帶上,每年夏秋季節常有颱風侵襲,且地震發生頻繁。受此巨大天然外力襲擊,港灣結構物甚易損壞,對港埠設施安全與營運造成影響。港灣設施長年處於海洋惡劣環境下,結構物是否安全堪用,必需明確瞭解與確保。因此,結構物現況調查、環境劣化因子之探討與維護管理甚為重要。鑑於上述觀點,本研究分為三個子計畫執行,分別為子計畫一(港灣構造物之現況調查研究);子計畫二(碼頭維護管理系統建置之研究);子計畫三(臺灣地區大氣腐蝕劣化因子調查研究)。本年度完成工作包括:(1)臺中港及基隆港數座碼頭之現況調查及建置基隆港西2至西4號碼頭維護資料庫;(2)結合港灣工程單價資料庫,整合及驗證建置成碼頭本體設施維護管理系統;(3)大氣環境腐蝕因子調查成果與建立資料庫,並完成臺灣大氣腐蝕環境分類,以作為新建與既有結構物防蝕設計與維護管理之依據。研究成果可提供港務局等維護港灣設施參考,並作為公路局、港務局及相關單位金屬材料選用之依據,以達到符合各地區腐蝕環境,確保各公共工程如橋梁、碼頭等重大建設構造物,達到或超出設計使用年限,並避免或減少工安事件發生,降低社會成本及提高經濟效益。 Taiwan is an island surrounded by the sea. It is located in the pacific earthquake zone. Many earthquakes and typhoons attack the island each year. Harbor structures confront these huge natural forces, and marine ingression environment would deteriorate and damage the structures. It greatly threatens structure safety and affects ports operation with heavy loss. Under severe marine environmental impact, the safety and physical situations of structures should be specifically confirmed and assured. Thus, field surveying, environmental factors, and maintaining strategy were focused on. For the above aspects, three subjects were executed in the study. They were as follows: (1) Sub-project 1: the study of field surveys on harbor facilities. (2) Sub-project 2: developing the system of maintenance and management for harbor wharf facilities. (3) Sub-project 3: the study of corrosive factors of the atmosphere in Taiwan. During the second year, the project achieved the following tasks, (1) Several wharves field inspection at Taichung & Keelung Harbors were completed. Meanwhile, the wharf maintenance and the management system of No.2 to No.4 wharves at west side Keelung Harbor was established. (2) Combining price data files of single items of harbor engineering to integrate and verify the system of wharf maintenance and management. (3) Completed the atmosphere field survey and established the fundamental corrosion factors files and the corrosively of atmosphere classification in Taiwan. The research results can provide harbor bureaus with references in maintaining harbor facilities, and as a metal material selection reference for highways and harbor bureaus to achieve or exceed the designed life of public constructions, avoid or reduce industrial safety incidents, lower social costs and increase economic efficiency.