公共建設是一個國家促進經濟持續發展,提昇國民生活水準的最根本動能,也是吸引國內外廠商進行投資與提升國家整體競爭力之重要關鍵。近年來,運用民間豐沛資金及專業技術參與公共建設投資已成為世界潮流。我國自1990年代初期引進促參制度,期能透過民間參與減輕政府財政負擔並提高公共服務品質。目前進行中之公共建設皆優先朝民間參與方式推動,惟近來幾項具代表性指標之促參投資計畫,因財務計畫規劃、履約興建施工品質、特許興建營運合約之擬定不佳,致造成社會大眾對促參案件觀感不佳進而缺乏信心,亦造成公務部門在執行促參案件時產生莫大的壓力。本研究冀望藉由相關文獻探討,檢視我國目前實施之促進民間參與公共建設相關法規、制度與實施案例,並參考他國民間參與公共建設模式的經驗來檢視我國推動民間參與公共建設之相關課題,並提出研析意見,以作為政府相關單位未來修訂民間參與公共建設法令規章與制度之參考,俾利將來繼續推動民間參與公共建設,確實能達到「提昇公共服務水準,加速社會經濟發展」之目標。 Public Infrastructure work is the basic kinetic energy to accelerate economic development and to improve people’s living standard. It is also an important key to attracting domestic and international companies to proceed with investment and to promote the nation’s international competition ability. Recently, utilizing the abundant funds of the private sector and technology to invest in public infrastructure development has become a trend. Due to domestic financial crisis, the promotion of private participation in infrastructure projects has been introduced to Taiwan since 1990 to relax government financial pressure and upgrade the level of public work. For the purpose of upgrading the infrastructure service level and expediting socio-economic development in Taiwan, in 2000 the government promulgated the “Act for the Promotion of Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects”. The proceeding infrastructure projects all move to promote private participation first. Since the enactment of the Act, the cumulative amount of related investment has reached NT$380 billion. Nevertheless, recent major projects have demonstrated the feature of deficient contracting and financial planning, poor construction quality, unfamiliarity with the related regulations, and lack of Management Performance Evaluation. As a result, theses counterexamples have caused public negative impressions and led to losing faith in upcoming Private Participation Projects. Therefore, the subject of this paper is hoping to provide recommendations for making future policy decisions on these issues.