Summary Judgment Rates Over Time, Across Case Categories, and Across Districts: An Empirical Study of Three Large Federal Districts (Keynote Address)
-Theodore Eisenberg & Charlotte Lanvers
Litigation Realities Renewed (Keynote Address)
-Kevin M. Clermont
What Difference Do Juries Make?
-Valerie P. Hans
The Politicization of the Kelsenian Constitutional Courts: Empirical Evidence
-Nuno Garoupa
Sex Bias in the Japanese Courts
-J. Mark Ramseyer
Understanding Advice Seeking Behaviour: Findings from New Zealand and England and Wales
-Pascoe Pleasence & Nigel J. Balmer
Japanese Disputing Behavior Reconsidered
What Drives the Passage of Damage Caps?
-Jonathan Klick & Catherine M. Sharkey
Commercial Surety Bail and the Problem of Missed Court Appearances and Pretrial Detention
-Thomas H. Cohen