Sergio FINTONI, Curator & President of 123ART
本展以西元13世紀在義大利佛羅倫斯的一項與詩有關的運動為名,這項運動對義大利文學有著十分重要的意義,為其指出新的方向,朝更精緻、高貴的風格邁進。而這正是「新式幸福風」 (Dolce Stil Novo)這項展覽的使命:我們將以精緻、高貴的語彙來呈現義大利藝術、設計與時尚的發展。
Dolce譯成中文來說意指「甜美幸福」,但在義大利文中則有著較為複雜深層的意義:那是一種舒適幸福的感受,如同本展試圖傳達的訊息: 一種確切的渴望,讓生活更舒適而充滿幸福感,並打造一處能真正令您放鬆,充份享受個人隱私的城堡。
The title of our exhibition refers to a poetic movement which took place in Italy and particularly in Florence in the
thirteenth century. The movement was fundamental in giving to Italian literature a new direction towards a more refined and noble expression.
This is the Mission of our exhibition: to represent the way Italian art design and fashion is developing in its more refined expressions.
"Dolce" translated in English: sweet, but the Italian meaning of dolce is a more complex one: it has a feeling of comfort and a feeling of coziness and so is in our exhibition: a definite desire to make the living ambiance comfortable and cozy, a real cocoon where to relax and enjoy your privacy.
"Stile" is Style: something that Italians have acquired through the years, to be identified with a luxury image known by the world over and which has inspired a multitude of artists and designers.
"Novo", new: because everything in the exhibition is contemporary, is what you can buy now for your dream ethical setting for a home where design and creativity are a must and the objects can be bought tomorrow if so someone wishes.
The history of Italian design is a long one but we can think in terms of
序 Preface
Pei-ni Beatrice Hsieh, Director of Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts
國際上的重要美術館,自1970年代開始,便紛紛著眼在藝術史與美學的既有基礎上,進行跨領域、地域、文化的整合,以美術館為舞台,將建築、設計、工藝、時尚、產業與生活美學,結合藝術多脈絡呈現,甚至將經典設計作品納入館藏要項。爰此文脈本館推出本展,希冀在呼應政府近年積極倡議「Branding Taiwan」、推動文化創意產業舉措之餘,也積極回應南台灣儘管作為設計育成重鎮(目前國內大專院校設計相關科系,超過半數設立於南台灣),卻往往因重北輕南無緣大規模親炙國際經典之憾。
2011年為台灣國際設計年,本館展出之「新式幸福風:當代義大利式生活展」,在義大利官方全力協助支援下,乃行政院文化建設委員會「生活美學運動—生活美學主題展」最重點之年度專案計畫。拜義大利政府義助和中央政府經費挹注之賜,本展有幸獲得國際行銷經驗豐富Sergio Fintoni教授鼎力擘劃,率領其123ART團隊規劃空間、設計視覺意象,破天荒邀集數十個義大利品牌無償參與共襄盛舉。
As early as the 1970s, major art museums in the world began to pursue a crossover spanning fields of specialization, national boundaries and cultures,an endeavor that generally builds on an integration of art history andaesthetics. The art museum becomes a stage. A multi-dimension presentation of architecture, design, crafts, fashion, industry and living aesthetics is thus made possible; design classics find their way into museum collections. Precisely in such a spirit, the Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts is now bringing to the public the "Dolce Stil Novo—Domestic Landscapes in Contemporary Italy". To be sure,it is intended as a response to the government call of recent years for “Branding Taiwan” as a common theme of the cultural and creative industries. What’s more,it seeks to rectify the indisputable longtime concentration of international exhibitions of design classics in northern Taiwan even though the south has emerged as a primary incubator to the local design industry (today more than half of design-related departments in Taiwan have been started by universities and
colleges in southern Taiwan).
In Taiwan, 2011 is labeled as Taiwan Design Year. The KMFA’s "Dolce Stil Novo" not only has secured full support from Italian authorities but is also designated by the Council for Cultural Affairs as a key project of the year under its “Life Arts Movement.” Thanks to the Italian government’s rigorous assistance and the funding from Taiwan’s central government, the KMFA is happy to take on board 123ART President Sergio Fintoni, who has kindly rendered assistance in curating the exhibition, as well as his top-notch team, who are