「澎湖之美」簡介的內容具體完整呈現澎湖群島重要的自然風光、海洋生態、人文采風、觀光旅遊等各個層面,因此它也是一本認識澎湖的知性文宣品,本處也希望藉由這本簡介,將澎湖之美散播出去。 The Beauty of Penghu, is as well an intellectual publication because of its complete introduction to the natural scenery, marine ecology, culture and tourism of Penghu Archipelago. It is expected to be a media for visitors to learn more about the beauty of Penghu and to travel here.
叢書系列: 台灣好好玩
規格:平裝 / 48頁 / 8k菊 / 21 x 29.7 cm / 普通級 / 全彩印刷 / 初版