「焊藝詩情高燦興回顧展」,既展現高燦興個人探索創作歷程,也是全方位研究其藝術思想與作品。本展結構分為 : 雕塑作品、公共藝術、焊鐵柔情告白(紀錄片)、雕塑工具風華。高燦興執著自由澎湃的雕塑熱情,自七○年代發展至今,從台灣發展至國際藝壇,也曾受邀至德國卡茲考 (Katzow)雕塑營創作並參與國內外重要展覽。
The exhibition Welding Poetry: Kao Tsan-Hsing presents the abundant variety of the artist’s oeuvre developed through his periods of drawings and sculpture Abstraction , from the 1960s to the present, and while living in Taiwan. For the exhibition, nearly one-hundred sculpture and fifty drawings have been carefully selected from hundreds of works held by museums, galleries and private collectors.