故事(1)Fire【失火】 男孩外出,忘了關暖氣爐,不久身上著火的貓跑到街上,引來了消防隊。誰說貓不聰明? 故事(2)Clever Animals【聰明的動物】 鸚鵡突然會說人話,大狗趴在卡特身上,大海豹把黛諾團團圍住。又發生了什麼鮮事? The Crane Reading Series is an exciting collection of books at four difficulty levels, from Elementary to Advanced. The books in this series have the following special features: *Entertaining stories *Controlled vocabulary to allow students to practice reading texts at a comfortable level *Vocabulary and reading comprehension exercises to help students develop reading fluency and strategic reading skills *Summary completion exercises to help students develop writing skills *An answer key in each book *An audio recording of the reading passages in each book 分為四個級數,共有十三冊。內容生動有趣,頗富人情味。具備六千個英語單字的學生,均可輕鬆讀完。 ◎ 饒富娛樂效果。 ◎ 每冊均適度控制單字的難度,便於學生的閱讀。 ◎ 透過字彙與閱讀理解練習,增強學生閱讀水準和技巧。 ◎ 藉由填字練習,加強學生寫作能力。 ◎ 附故事朗讀CD、題解和單字。