自序 英文寫作潛規則:不懂得玩英文,就寫不出好英文
d Act 1. 王爾德 怎樣玩出個性 ~ Express Yourself b
#The Critic as Artist (excerpt) by Oscar Wilde
d Act 2. 蕭伯納 寫作如格鬥 ~ Be Incredible b
#Socialism and Marriage (excerpt) by George Bernard Shaw
d Act 3. 馬克吐溫 淺白的深度 ~ Choose Your Words Carefully b
#Thoughts of God(excerpt)by Mark Twain
d Act 4. 吳爾芙 如美腿般的長句子 ~ Long, but Never Long-Winded b
#The Death Of The Moth (excerpt) by Virginia Woolf
d Act 5. 勞倫斯 不知不覺說服你 ~ The Power of Plain Speech b
#The Spirit of the Place(excerpt)by D. H. Lawrence
d Act 6. 歐威爾 以惡搞炫耀聰明 ~ The Art of Being Clever b
#Politics and the English Language(excerpt)by George Orwell
d Act 7. 邱吉爾 最後的雄辯家 ~ Larger than History b
#Speech to the House of Commons of the Parliament of the United Kingdom on June 18, 1940
(excerpt)by Winston Churchill
d Act 8. 費滋傑羅 以情人的筆觸寫作 ~ Write like a Lover b
#The Great Gatsby(excerpt) by F. Scott Fitzgerald
d Act 9. 珍‧奧斯汀 聰明人的對話方式 ~ Say One Thing and Mean Another b
#Pride and Prejudice (Chapter I) by Jane Austen
d Act 10. 莎士比亞 萬事萬物皆有話可說 ~ A Phrase for Everything b
#Henry IV (Part 1, Act V, Scene IV) by William Shakespeare