一開口說英文就語塞?腦子裡有幾十幾百個英文單字飛來轉去,但當下卻不知道該用哪個字才好?作者希望能讓害怕說英文、寫英文,或苦惱於該用哪個單字來表達語意的讀者們,都能透過此書找到最適的英文說法。《1000 Essential Words for Business English》羅列了1,000個職場中最常使用的商業英文單字,搭配多個應用詞組構成實用例句,不僅能讓讀者懂得怎麼用,更幫助讀者了解如何才能應用的更好!
以 opinion「意見」這個大家熟知的字為例,應該要用什麼樣的動詞來搭配它比較適合呢?例如have an opinion「有意見」、express an opinion「表達意見」,或是voice an opinion「說出意見」,但當你對著native speaker說say an opinion時就顯得不自然了。所以連帶學會這些相關搭配詞組(collocation),你才能真正活用 opinion這個字。用這樣的方式學習英文,才能將你已知的字彙發揮最大效用!
Robert Tolmasoff
美國克里夫蘭三角洲州立大學﹙Delta State University﹚畢業,並於西雅圖大學﹙Seattle University﹚取得TESOL英語教學證書。目前在台北從事英語教學、並擔任多家知名公司,如:Johnson & Johnson Taiwan Ltd.、ELCA Inc. Taiwan商業英語講師等工作。著有《上班族完美英文e-mail輕鬆寫》等多本英語學習及英語寫作叢書。
台灣桃園人,東吳大學英文系、國立中正大學語言學研究所畢業,譯有《慧眼商機》、《搶先成交》、《績效管理立即上手》、《商業書信寫作 戰無不勝篇》、《商業書信寫作 精益求精篇》、《懶人專用商務英文e-mail-149篇萬用情境範例即時抄》等書。
Around the Office 辦公室環境
badge [bædʒ] 通行證 名
Meaning A badge is an identification card that gives a person access to a building or area.
Example All employees are given a badge on their first day.
動詞 + badge
confiscate: Security will confiscate your badge when you leave the company. 離開公司時,保全將會收回你的通行證。
issue: You will be issued a badge by security when you enter the building. 進入大樓時,保全將會發給你通行證。
seize: The company has the right to seize your badge and deny access to the building. 公司有權沒收你的通行證,禁止你進入大樓。
show: Please show your badge to the security guard before entering the building. 進入大樓之前,請向保全出示你的通行證。
wear: Employees and visitors must wear their badge at all times. 員工和訪客要隨身佩戴通行證。
company: Please do not lose your company badge. 請勿遺失公司的通行證。
expired: All expired badges need to be turned in to security. 所有過期之通行證都需要繳回安全部門。
security: Everyone must wear his or her security badge at all times. 每個人都必須隨身佩戴其安全識別證件。
valid: Only people and visitors with a valid badge may enter the building. 只有持有效通行證的人員和訪客方能進入大樓。
visitor: You will be given a visitors badge when you arrive at the company. 當你到達公司時,將會獲得一張訪客證。
board room [‘bɔrd rum] (董事會、理事會)會議室 名
Meaning A board room is a large meeting room reserved meetings of the board of directors or other special meetings.
Example The general manager will use the board room for the meeting with the client. 總經理將使用董事會會議室與客戶開會。
動詞 + board room
book: You need special permission to book the board room for a meeting. 你需要取得特別許可才能預訂董事會會議室開會。
reserve: Only directors can reserve the board room for a meeting. 只有主管才能預訂董事會會議室開會。
schedule: Only the assistant to the general manager can schedule the board room. 只有總經理助理才能預定董事會會議室。
use: Please do not use the board room for regular meetings. 一般例行會議請勿使用董事會會議室。
large: The meeting was held in a large board room on the 15th floor. 會議於15樓的大型董事會會議室舉行。
lavish: They have a lavish board room with an oak table. 他們擁有一間配有橡木桌的奢華董事會會議室。
luxurious: The client was taken into a luxurious board room for a meeting with the CEO. 客戶被帶到一間豪華董事會會議室與執行長開會。
simple: We have a simple board room in our office downtown. 我們的市區辦公室擁有一間簡單的董事會會議室。
well-equipped: The meeting was held in a well-equipped board room in corporate headquarters 會議在企業總部設備完善的董事會會議室舉行。
break room [‘brek rum] 休息室 名
Meaning A break room is a room designed for employees to rest in during breaks. Often a break room has equipment such as chairs, tables, refrigerator, etc.
Example We have a small break room on every floor for employees to rest. 我們在每個樓層都備有小型休息室供員工休息。
動詞 + break room
build: The board approved building new break rooms for employees. 董事會同意興建新的員工休息室。
design: We were asked to design a simple break room for employees to rest. 我們被要求設計一間簡單的休息室供員工休息。
offer: The company offers break rooms for employees. 公司提供休息室供員工使用。
provide: We provide break rooms to rest and have a snack. 我們提供休息室休息和享用點心。
comfortable: There is a comfortable break room on the 2nd floor. 二樓有一間舒適的休息室。
convenient: Employees can use the convenient break room next to the lobby. 員工能夠使用位於大廳旁,便利的休息室。
simple: We have a simple break room on every floor. 每層樓都有一間簡單的休息室。
small: The company provides a small break room for employees to rest and have a snack. 公司提供一間小型休息室供員工休息和享用點心。
well-equipped: We have a well-equipped break room near the cafeteria. 我們在自助餐廳旁擁有設備完善的休息室。
cafeteria [͵kæfə‘tɪrɪə] 自助餐廳 名
Meaning A cafeteria, normally found in a school or business, provides a selection of cooked foods for people to choose from and provides a seating area for eating. Cafeterias normally serve basic food, in a simple environment.
Example We have a cafeteria on the 3rd floor where employees can have lunch.我們在三樓備有一間自助餐廳,員工可在此享用午餐。
動詞 + cafeteria
build: The company will build a new cafeteria next to the factory. 公司將在工廠旁興建一間新的自助餐廳。
eat: Most employees eat in the cafeteria. 大部分員工都在自助餐廳用餐。
meet: We will meet you in the cafeteria for lunch. 我們會在自助餐廳與你碰面共進午餐。
offer: The company offers a cafeteria for all its employees. 公司提供一間自助餐廳給所有的員工使用。
operate: A vendor operates the cafeteria on the 2nd floor. 一名商人在二樓經營自助餐廳。
provide: The company provides an on-site cafeteria for the convenience of the employees. 公司提供一間駐廠自助餐廳以利員工用餐。
basic: We have a basic cafeteria where employees can buy and eat lunch.我們擁有一間簡單的自助餐廳,員工可在此購買和享用午餐。
company: The company cafeteria is located on the east side of the building. 公司的自助餐廳位在大樓的東側。
free: The company offers a free cafeteria as a perk to all employees. 公司提供免費的自助餐廳作為給所有員工的福利。
large: We run a very large cafeteria in the building. 我們在這棟大樓經營一間相當大型的自助餐廳。
Recruiting and Interviewing徵才與面試
applicant [ˋæpləkənt] 應徵者 名
Meaning An applicant is a person who has applied for a position.
Example How many applicants do we have for the training manager position? 訓練經理的職位有多少應徵者?
動詞 + applicant
interview: The human resources manager will interview the applicants.人力資源經理將面試應徵者。
recruit: We hired a headhunter to recruit applicants for the open position.我們聘用一間人力仲介公司針對此空缺職位徵求人才。
hire: Conduct a background check before you hire the applicant.在聘用應徵者之前,要先進行背景調查。
screen: Screen the applicants before talking with the hiring manager. 在與人事經理討論之前,先篩選一些應徵者。
vet: We must carefully vet all applicants before the interview. 在面試之前,我們必須仔細調查所有應徵者。
qualified: We were able to attract several qualified applicants.我們吸引了數名符合資格的應徵者。
leading: She is the leading applicant for the general manager position.她是總經理職位最有希望的應徵者。
high potential: We have several high potential applicants for the position.有數名極有潛力的應徵者應徵這個職位。
legitimate: A legitimate applicant will have the qualifications we requested.一個合格的應徵者將具備我們要求的資格。
application [͵æpləˋkeʃən] 應徵 名
Meaning An application is a document used to apply for a job, loan, license, etc.
Example We received your application for the marketing manger position.我們接到你應徵行銷經理一職的申請表。
動詞 + application
fill out: It will only take a few minutes to fill out the application.填寫申請表只需花幾分鐘的時間。
complete: Please complete the application for the position.請填寫此職位的申請表。
return: Candidates must return the application by Friday.符合資格者必須在星期五之前交回申請表。
submit: Please submit your application by email.請用電子郵件繳交申請表。
evaluate: Human resources will evaluate all applications.人力資源部將會審查所有的申請表。
completed: All completed applications will be considered. 所有完整的申請表都將列入考慮。
thorough: We had to fill out a thorough application for the position.我們必須完整填寫此職位的申請表。
detailed: The company has a detailed application for employment. 公司對於職缺有詳盡的申請表。
employment: We have a standard employment application you can fill out. 我們有一份標準的職缺申請表可供你填寫。
standard: All candidates are required to complete a standard application.所有的應徵者都需要填寫一份標準的申請表。
apply for [əˋplaɪ fɔr] 應徵 動
Meaning To apply for means to make a request to be considered for a position.
Example Over two hundred candidates applied for the brand manager position.有超過兩百名的應徵者應徵品牌經理的職務。
apply for + 名詞
job: She decided to apply for a new job after not getting a bonus this year.因為今年沒有獲得獎金,因此她決定應徵新的工作。
position: Several internal candidates applied for the open position in sales. 數名內部應徵者應徵業務的出缺職位。
vacancy: He applied for vacancies at several companies in his industry.他應徵其產業數間有職缺的公司。
opening: Her manager encouraged her to apply for the opening in marketing.她的經理鼓勵她應徵行銷部的職缺。
aggressively: He aggressively applied for several internal openings.他積極應徵數個內部的職缺。
confidently: She confidently applied for the brand manager position.她信心滿滿地應徵品牌經理的職務。
desperately: After not working for two years, he desperately applied for any open position.失業兩年之後,他拼命應徵任何的職缺。
eagerly: After graduation she eagerly applied for positions at several international companies.畢業之後,她積極應徵數間國際企業的職缺。
anxiously: The manager anxiously applied for the director position at another company.經理焦慮地應徵另一間公司的主管職務。
background check [ˋbæk͵graʊnd tʃɛk] 背景調查 名
Meaning A background check is an examination of a person’s past, including finances and any criminal activity.
Example We require all candidates to submit to a background check.我們要求所有的應徵者都要繳交背景調查。
動詞 + background check
conduct: We conduct a background check on all candidates.我們對所有的應徵者進行背景調查。
submit to: You must submit to a background check before we can hire you.在受聘之前,你必須先繳交一份背景調查。
authorize: The company requires you authorizes us to conduct a background check before we can hire you.在聘用之前,公司要求你必須同意我們進行背景調查。
agree to: All candidates must agree to a background check. 所有的應徵者都必須同意背景調查。
require: We require background checks on all candidates.我們對所有應徵者都要求背景調查。
thorough: Human resources conducts a thorough background check on all candidates. 人力資源部對所有的應徵者都進行一個完整的背景調查。
standard: We have a standard background check conducted on all employees.我們會針對所有員工進行標準的背景調查。
criminal: The company requires a criminal background check on directors only.公司只要求對主管進行犯罪背景調查。
rigorous: Each candidate must submit to a rigorous background check.每個應徵者都必須接受嚴格的背景調查。
robust: We do a robust background check on all new employees. 我們對所有新進員工進行縝密的背景調查。
bonus [ˋbonəs] 獎金 名
Meaning A bonus is an extra payment given in a special situation.
Example If we meet our performance goals we will get a bonus. 如果達成業績目標,我們就獲得獎金。
動詞 + bonus
offer: The company offers a bonus for excellent performance.公司提供獎金鼓勵傑出表現。
receive: Everyone will receive a bonus this year.每個人今年都將獲得獎金。
earn: You can earn a bonus if you meet the performance goals. 如果達成業績目標就可獲得獎金。
gain: Employees can gain a bonus if they perform well.員工如果表現良好就可獲得獎金。
singing: Offering a signing bonus is one way to recruit candidates.提供簽約金是徵求應徵者的一種方式。
performance: You are eligible for a performance bonus every year.你每年都符合資格領取績效獎金。
year-end: We will receive our year-end bonus next week.我們下星期將收到年終獎金。
annual: All employees are eligible for an annual bonus. 所有員工都有資格獲得年終分紅。
Note: Another common expression is “to be eligible for a bonus”. This phrase means that someone could get a bonus, however, whether they receive a bonus is contingent upon other factors.
注意:另一個常用用法是“to be eligible for a bonus”。這個片語意指某人有可能獲得獎金,但是他們是否能收到獎金將視其他因素而定。
candidate [ˋkændədet] 求職應徵者 名
Meaning A candidate is a person under consideration for a job.
Example We have several candidates to interview for the position.我們有幾位應徵者要面試這個職位。
動詞 + candidate
screen: Human resources will screen all the candidates.人力資源部將會篩選所有應徵者。
interview: We will interview the general manager candidates next week.我們下星期將面試應徵總經理職位的人員。
hire: Conduct a background check before you hire a candidate.在雇用應徵者之前,要先進行背景調查。
search for: We started searching for a new candidate.我們開始尋找新的應徵者。
identify: A recruiter helped us identify a potential candidate. 徵聘人員協助我們找出可能的應徵者。。
qualified: There were very few qualified candidates for the position.符合這個職位資格的應徵者少之又少。
experienced: We are looking for an experienced candidate to be our marketing manager. 我們正在尋找一位有經驗的人選擔任我們的行銷經理。
external: We interviewed several external candidates for the position.我們為這個職務面試了幾位公司外部的應徵者。
internal: Managers complained there were few internal candidates for the job. 經理抱怨應徵這份工作的公司內部應徵者寥寥無幾。
knowledgeable: It is difficult to find knowledgeable candidates in this industry.在這個產業要找到見識廣博的應徵者很困難。
Around the Office 辦公室環境
badge [bædʒ] 通行證 名
Meaning A badge is an identification card that gives a person access to a building or area.
Example All employees are given a badge on their first day.
動詞 + badge
confiscate: Security will confiscate your badge when you leave the company. 離開公司時,保全將會收回你的通行證。
issue: You will be issued a badge by security when you enter the building. 進入大樓時,保全將會發給你通行證。
seize: ...
簡介 Introduction
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簡介 Introduction
Around the office/Company Structure/Legal/ Safety and Security/Work Environment
Business Management and Strategy/Market Conditions/Plans and Forecasts/Policies and Procedures/Research and Development/Reviewing and Analyzing
Banking/Budget/Construction and Real Estate/Finance and Accounting
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