第壹章 蛋
番茄炒蛋 Scrambled Egg with Tomato
蒸蛋Steamed Egg
鹹蛋炒苦瓜Bitter Melon with Salted Egg
皮蛋豆腐Chilled Tofu Salad with Preserved Egg
菜脯蛋Preserved Radish Omelette
第貳章 麵、飯、餃
蛋炒飯Egg Fried Rice
油飯Taiwanese Sticky Rice with Sesame Oil
滷肉飯Lu Rou Fan/Braised Pork on Rice
家常湯麵Noodle Soup
牛肉麵Niu Rou Mian/Beef Noodle
地瓜稀飯Sweet Potato Congee
麻油麵線Taiwanese Vermicelli with Sesame Oil
炒米粉Fried Rice Vermicelli
炒麵Fried Noodles
蝦仁高麗菜水餃Shrimp and Cabbage Dumplings
紅油炒手Spicy Wonton in Red Oil
第參章 肉
紅燒蹄膀Braised Pork Knuckle
雞卷Minced Pork Roll
糖醋排骨Sweet and Sour Pork Ribs
麻油腰花Pork Kidney in Sesame Oil
宮保雞丁Kung Pao Chicken
三杯雞San Bei Ji/ Taiwanese Three Cups Chicken
苦茶油雞Chicken in Camellia Oil
白斬雞Sliced Boiled Chicken
蔥爆牛肉Stir-Fried beef with with Green Onion
青椒炒肉絲Stir-Fried Beef with Green Pepper
麻婆豆腐 Mapo Tofu
第肆章 湯
Pork Broth with Meat Ball Soup, Egg Drop Soup and Daikon Radish Soup
香菇雞湯Mushroom Chicken Soup
麻油雞湯Sesame Oil Chicken Soup
薑絲鱸魚湯Sea Bass Soup with Shredded Ginger
蛤蠣湯 Clam Soup
酸辣湯Hot and Sour Soup
竹筍湯Bamboo Shoot Soup
第伍章 海鮮
紹興蝦仁Shaoxing Minced Prawn
紅燒吳郭魚Braised Tilapia
乾煎白帶魚Pan-Fried Beltfish
清蒸全魚Taiwanese Steamed Fish
蚵仔煎O A Tsian/ Oyster Omelette
辣炒蛤蠣Stir-Fried Clams with Taiwanese Basil
絕代雙椒炒透抽Squid with Bell Peppers
蛤蠣絲瓜Loofah with Clams