有一位像雪柔這樣有著國際觀,並且經常到部落旅遊的人,能夠寫出這樣的旅遊書來分享,實在是一件很棒的事情!我相信這本書對於希望可以參訪原住民部落的外籍旅客、在台人士,都會很有幫助。除此之外,台灣旅客若想要在東海岸留下獨一無二的旅遊回憶,我相信這本書也能提供很便利的資訊。--花蓮縣秀林鄉秀林社區發展協會理事長 Yuli Taki (連美惠)
It is so great that someone like Cheryl, who has an international perspective and who has spent much time traveling to indigenous areas, can write this book. I have no doubt that it will be of benefit to international tourists and residents wanting to visit indigenous communities。Of course, I also expect that it will be a great resource for Taiwanese travelers wanting to have a unique experience along Taiwan’s east coast.--Yuli Taki Director-general of Bsuring Community Development Association, Bsuring Township, Hualien Coun