I'm a failure. I always have the feeling that I want to get back somewhere,
but I don't know just where it is.
我感到失意。我心裡一直渴望能有個回歸的地方,卻遍尋不著。─O Henry.
Love and business and family and religion and art and patriotism are nothing but shadows of words when a man's starving!
歐.亨利著作豐富,一生中留下了一部長篇小說和近三百篇的短篇小說。其小說內容主要以美國的大城市生活(尤其是紐約)為背景,主人翁以中下階層的平凡老百姓為主,寫作特色則以出人意料的結局最為讀者所熟悉,這成為了他小說中最大的特色,這種結局的寫作方法也因此被稱為「歐.亨利式結尾」(O. Henry Ending)。
1. The Last Leaf(最後一片藤葉)
2. The Gift of the Magi(聖誕禮物)
3. The Cop and the Anthem(警察與讚美詩)
4. The Romance of a Busy Broker(忙碌證券商的愛情故事)
5. The Love-Philtre of Ikey Schoenstein(愛情迷幻藥)
6. Springtime à la Carte(春日菜單)
7. The Ransom of Red Chief(紅酋長的贖金)
8. The Pendulum(鐘擺)
9. The Green Door(綠門)
10. The Furnished Room(附家具出租的房間)
11. The Count and the Wedding Guest(伯爵與婚禮賓客)
12. One Thousand Dollars(一千元)
13. The Duplicity of Hargraves(哈格瑞夫的化身術)
14. A Retrieved Reformation(歧路重生)
15. Roads of Destiny(命運之路)