太極拳是我國廣泛流傳的一項歷史悠久、富于民族風格的體育運動。隨著社會的發展及人們需求的變化,原創太極拳的內涵由偏重于技擊性的拳技套路逐漸向以療 病、保健、預防早衰和延年益壽為主的拳術套路發展。這是時代發展的必然結果。太極拳動作的柔和及舒展姿勢,適合生理的不同要求。如果能按照太極拳鍛煉的規 則循序漸進,持之以恆,可增強人體的力量、耐力、速度、靈敏等素質。因此,它適合不同性別、年齡以及從事各種職業的人群,特別是中老年人和體弱者。
為什麼太極拳能延年益壽呢?因為練太極拳時要求思想高度集中,用意識引導動作,這就調節了大腦的生理功能,使大腦皮層活動強度、靈活性、均衡性得到提高, 對外界環境刺激反應的敏感性及調節功能也相應加強,從而使各組織器官能更好地維持正常的生命活動,促進新陳代謝,增強機體免疫和防御能力,在一定程度上起 到防病抗衰的作用。
With a long history and national style, Tai Chi is a widely spread martial art in China. Due to the development of the society and popular demand, the focus of Tai Chi has changed from competitions to the treatment of diseases, strengthening health, and prolonging people’s lifespan. The soft and stretching Tai Chi movements and postures are more suitable for the physiological needs of human beings.
Practicing Tai Chi regularly and consistently will improve one’s energy, endurance, speed, and sensitivity. It benefits people of all different ages, genders and vocations, including seniors and the weak.
How does Tai Chi improve the human health? Tai Chi requires the participants to focus their mind and use it to lead the movements, which helps the functions of the cerebrum. It also helps improve the activity, flexibility, and reaction of the cerebral cortex to the environment, which in turn coordinate the tissues and organs more effectively to maintain the normal life activity and to promote the metabolism and the immune system.
Therefore, it helps to achieve the goal of age-resistant and disease-preventing to a certain degree.
Practicing Tai Chi also enhances the cardiac muscles in stretching and contracting to increase cardiac output, and strengthens the function of circulatory system. The coronary artery and the entire body are replenished with blood, effectively reducing the risk of coronary heart disease and hypertension.
Practicing Tai Chi also strengthens the respiratory muscles’ function to maintain the elasticity of the lung issue, and helps provide oxygen to the entire body.
Practicing Tai Chi improves the urinary system and promotes the endocrine functions, especially the function of the adrenaline system and adrenal cortical system, in order to gain more vitality.
This sport also plays an important role in increasing flexibility and agility and muscle power in the limbs and the spine.
This series of Tai Chi for Health is comprised of routines that are chosen specifically from various Tai Chi schools, which benefit the health most. Teachers should design different schedules according to individuals. Students should also practice according to their own ability and make progress gradually. At the beginning, one must pay attention to the key points and postures and do his best to follow them correctly.