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台灣文學英譯叢刊(No. 42):王禎和專輯

台灣文學英譯叢刊(No. 42):王禎和專輯 台灣文學英譯叢刊(No. 42):王禎和專輯

圖書介紹 - 資料來源:博客來   評分:
圖書名稱:台灣文學英譯叢刊(No. 42):王禎和專輯


  本輯以王禎和的短篇小說為主題,除了凸顯王禎和於台灣文學史上作為鄉土文學的先驅地位,也旨在向英語讀者譯介其具台灣鄉土特色的系列作品。本輯特邀臺大外文系鄭恆雄教授擔任客座編輯,撰寫〈導論〉並選擇英譯的作品:〈那一年冬天〉、〈兩隻老虎〉、〈小林來台北〉、〈伊會唸咒〉、〈素蘭要出嫁〉、〈老鼠捧茶請人客〉,以及〈素蘭小姐要出嫁──終身大事〉。前述七篇王禎和之原著則分別由長期耕耘台灣文學英譯的黃瑛姿、葛浩文(Howard Goldblatt)、林麗君、陶忘機(John Balcom)、古芃(Bert M. Scruggs)以及台灣學者董崇選、強永傑擔綱譯出。

  The latest special issue of Taiwan Literature: English Translation Series focuses on the short stories written by Wang Chen-ho not only to reveal his leading role in the Nativist literature that rose in Taiwan during the 1990s, but to introduce his works in the unique local language of Taiwan for English language readers. In this special issue on Wang Chen-ho, seven stories were selected for translation: “The Winter That Year,” “Two Tigers,” “Little Lin Comes to Taipei,” “She Really Can Put Curses on People,” “Sulan’s Gonna Get Married,” “The Mouse Serves a Guest Tea,” and “Miss Sulan’s Gonna Get Married—A Lifetime of Marital Bliss.” These seven stories span the two periods of Wang’s works mentioned above. The first five belong to the first period of Naturalism, while the last two break away from Naturalism to embrace broader themes, even containing a lot of comedy, as in the final story, “Miss Sulan’s Gonna Get Married—A Lifetime of Marital Bliss.”



【About the Editors】

  Kuo-ch’ing Tu, born in Taichung, Taiwan, graduated from National Taiwan University (1963) with a major in English literature. He received his M.A. in Japanese literature from Kwansei Gakuin University (1970) and his Ph.D. in Chinese literature from Stanford University (1974). His research interests include Chinese literature, Chinese poetics and literary theories, comparative literature East and West, and world literatures of Chinese (Shi-Hua wenxue). He is the author of numerous books of poetry in Chinese, as well as translator of English, Japanese, and French works into Chinese. He holds the Lai Ho and Wu Choliu Endowed Chair in Taiwan Studies at the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultural Studies, University of California at Santa Barbara, and has been co-editor of Taiwan Literature: English Translation Series since its initial publication in 1996. His recent publications include Shanhe lueying [A Sweeping View of China’s Mountains and Rivers], Yuyan ji [Jade Smoke Collection: Fifty Variations on Li Shangyin’s Songs of the Ornamented Zither], Shilun, shiping, shilunshi [Poetics, Poetic Critiques, and Poems of Poetics], and Taiwan wenxue yu Shi-Hua wenxue [Taiwan Literature and World Literatures of Chinese].

  Terence Russell is an Associate Professor in the Asian Studies Center at the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg, Manitoba. His early research dealt with classical Chinese literature and religion, but for the past few years his interest has turned to contemporary literature in Chinese, especially the literature of Taiwan’s indigenous people. His publications include studies of Adaw Palaf, Auvini Kadresengan, and Syaman Rapongan. He has also published articles on Zhu Tianxin, Zheng Qingwen, and identity politics in Taiwan, including the situation of the Pepoan peoples. Dr. Russell has a strong interest in translation and translation theory and has been a regular contributor to the Taiwan Literature: English Translation Series, and was the guest editor of Issue 24 on Taiwan indigenous myths and oral literature. He has edited two volumes in the Foguang University Department of Foreign Languages and Cultures Occasional Papers Series. His literary translations include full-length translations of award-winning Chinese author Zhang Wei’s novels: September’s Fable (2007), and Seven Kinds of Mushrooms in 2009.

  Hengsyung Jeng graduated from Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, National Taiwan University, in 1963, and received his M.A. in TESOL in 1968 and Ph.D. in linguistics in 1976 from University of Hawai’i, USA. Afterwards, he also did research on linguistics and literature at Stanford University (1982) and Harvard University (2000) as a visiting scholar. He specializes in linguistics, English teaching and testing, contrastive analysis of Chinese and English, linguistic approach to literature, Bunun (an Austronesian language of Taiwan) and taught these courses at NTU and some other universities for more than 40 years from 1968 to 2011. In 2010, he was given the NTU Award for Outstanding Social Services because of his services in the three areas of English teaching, English testing and preservation of Bunun, and in 2011, granted the title of professor emeritus because of his remarkable research contributions in the four areas of English teaching, English testing, Bunun studies and linguistic analysis of literary works.
【About the Translators】

  John Balcom teaches at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies. Recent translations include Abyss by Ya Hsien (Zephyr), which was a finalist for the 2017 PEN poetry in translation award, and, with Yingtsih Balcom, Memories of Mount Qilai: The Education of a Young Poet by Yang Mu (Columbia University Press).

  Ivan Yung-chieh Chiang received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in foreign languages and literatures from National Taiwan University and his doctorate in translation studies from National Taiwan Normal University. Since 1996, he has been a freelance editorial assistant for The Taipei Chinese PEN quarterly, and his English translations of Yuan Che-sheng’s short stories “Wooden Fish,” “A Room without Windows,” and “Games of Loneliness” were published in the quarterly. He was more than once a winner of Liang Shih Chiu Literary Awards and Council for Cultural Affairs Literary Translation Awards for translation of poems, essays, and short stories from Chinese to English. He is currently an assistant professor in the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, National Chung Hsing University in Taichung, Taiwan.

  Howard Goldblatt has been translating Taiwanese literature for more than forty years. His work includes the translation of Pai Hsien-yung’s novel Niezi [Crystal Boys] and the stories of Huang Chun-Ming.

  Yingtsih Hwang is an independent scholar and translator based in Monterey.

  Sylvia Li-chun Lin, a native of Tainan, Taiwan, was Associate Professor of Chinese at the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures at the University of Notre Dame, where she taught modern and contemporary Chinese literature, film, and culture. Her book, Representing Atrocity in Taiwan: The 2/28 Incident and White Terror in Fiction and Film, was published by Columbia University Press. In 2013, she resigned from Notre Dame to be a full time translator and writer. She has translated short stories and co-translated full-length novels from Taiwan and China, including Li Ang’s The Lost Garden (Columbia University Press, 2015).

  Bert M. Scruggs is an Associate Professor in the Department of East Asian Studies at the University of California, Irvine, where he teaches courses on Taiwanese film and literature. His research on Taiwanese film and literature has appeared in numerous journals and anthologies including Modern Chinese Literature and Culture and Positions, as well as Documenting Taiwan on Film (Routledge, 2012). He is also the author of a single volume on postcolonial discourse, identity, translation, and Taiwanese fiction and film: Translingual Narration (University of Hawai’i Press, 2015).

  Alexander C. H. Tung was born in Tainan, Taiwan. He is a Professor Emeritus of National Chung Hsing University. He is also the founder and maintainer of the much-visited DGD English learning Website. He has published quite a number of academic and creative works in English and Chinese, including Literary Theory: Some Traces in the Wake (2007), Critical Inquiry: Some Winds on Works (2009), and The Visionary Shakespeare (2011). He has translated many works from English into Chinese and twice won the Liang Shih-chiu Literary Award for translation. His translation of Pu Ning’s Red in Tooth and Claw (1994, from Chinese into English) was published in New York by Grove Press.



Foreword to the Special Issue on Wang Chen-ho/Kuo-ch'ing Tu
Introduction "The English Translations of Seven Stories by Wang Chen-ho"/Hengsyung Jeng

The Winter That Year  那一年冬天/Translated by Yingtsih Hwang
Two Tigers  兩隻老虎/Translated by Howard Goldblatt
Little Lin Comes to Taipei  小林來台北/Translated by Sylvia Li-chun Lin
She Really Can Put Curses on People  伊會念咒/Translated by John Balcom
Sulan’s Gonna Get Married  素蘭要出嫁/Translated by Alexander C. H. Tung
The Mouse Serves a Guest Tea  老鼠捧茶請人客/Translated by Bert M. Scruggs
Miss Sulan’s Gonna Get Married—A Lifetime of Marital Bliss  素蘭小姐要出嫁—終身大事/Translated by Ivan Yung-chieh Chiang

About the Translators
About the Editors
Subscription Form









  你的靈魂 終於回歸故鄉
  成為花蓮的守護神(genius loci)
  地靈人傑 山川有幸
  為你高興 也以你為榮

  而我 自從離開故鄉
  仍在漂泊 念及魂歸何處
  心中 不禁茫然

  童年和故鄉 現實中已不存在
  回憶 只是自我安慰的幻想
  近年來 許多親友
  病的病 撐的撐 走的走
  在這人生道上 如影隨風

  歲月催人 每天匆匆趕路
  以風霜 雕塑的面容
  步步 走向無二的歸途
  從故鄉 到幽府
  (行人呀 月光下
  你的腳印 也在腐朽)

  生命的神秘 來自茫然
  最後一里路 最是孤獨
  我佇立 躊躇 凝望著
  自己的背影 穿過人間
  煢然 走向幽冥

  我的靈魂 穿過遺忘
  在群星之間 隱藏

  基於同學的情誼,恆雄為這一專輯所付出的心思、時間和精力,以及在翻譯上的指正和建議,值得我們特別表示感謝。首先由他徵求王禎和夫人林碧燕女士的協助;承她惠然同意我們英譯出版王禎和的七篇小說,本叢刊這一專輯才得以順利進行,謹此表示無上的謝意。譯者方面,本叢刊的常年支持者,葛浩文、林麗君、古芃、陶忘機、黃瑛姿以及台灣的學者,董崇選和強勇傑教授的心血和努力,也是我們深為感謝的,尤其是王禎和的通俗語言和幽默風格,對任何譯者都是很大的挑戰。王禎和喜歡使用一語雙關的表現,乃至於小說人物的獨語與敘述者的自白,往往模棱兩可,而使讀者的理解見仁見智。因此,我們原則上尊重譯者的判斷和解讀。關於〈小林來台北〉這篇小說,涉及麻將術語的地方,在翻譯上承臺大外文系梁欣榮教授的協助,特此致謝。本刊的英文編輯,羅德仁和Fred Edwards,以及助理白安吉和蔡瑞齡對英譯和原文之間的斟酌揣摩,所付出的心思,只能說我們都盡了最大的努力,雖然未必完美。臺大出版中心的湯世鑄總編的支持和編輯蘇逸婷小姐的合作,使得這一專輯能夠順利出版,我們在此謹致衷心的謝意。



  • ISBN:9789863502845
  • 叢書系列: 台灣文學英譯叢刊
  • 規格:平裝 / 256頁 / 14 x 21 x 1.5 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:台灣
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