第8章 聲功率量測
8.1 聲功率原理(The Principle of Sound Power)
8.2 聲功率量測方法與標準(The Method and Standard of Sound Power Measurement)
8.3 聲功率量測—自由音場法(Sound Power Measurement—Free-field Method)
8.4 標準—ISO 3744 (Standard—ISO 3744)
8.5 聲功率量測—迴響音場法(Sound Power Measurement—Reverberation -field Method)
8.6 聲功率量測—聲強法(Sound Power Measurement—Sound Intensity Method)
8.7 標準—ISO 9614-1 (Standard—ISO 9614-1)
8.8 測試法規—ISO 7779(Test Code—ISO 7779)
8.9 實驗(Experiment)
8.10 問題(Question)
第9章 建築聲學量測
9.1 迴響與迴響時間(Reverberation and Reverberation Time)
9.2 室內迴響時間量測—ISO 3382(Measurement of The
Reverberation Time of Rooms)
9.3 吸音係數量測(Sound Absorption Coefficient Measurement)
9.4 迴響室法吸音係數量測—CNS 9056(Method for Measurement of Sound Absorption Coefficients in a Reverberation Room)
9.5 聲音穿透損失量測—CNS 8466(Sound Transmission Loss Measurement)
9.6 實驗(Experiment)
9.7 問題(Question)
第10章 噪音控制原理與實務
10.1 國內噪音噪音控制計劃與步驟(The Steps in a Noise
Control Program)
10.2 國內噪音噪音源改善(Improvement Noise Source)
10.3 國內噪音傳遞路徑改善(Improvement Noise Transmission Path)
10.4 噪音控制實例(Noise Control Practical Examples)
10.5 主動式噪音控制簡介(Active Noise Control)
附錄A 與聲音量測相關的ISO標準列表
附錄B 波動方程式解
B.1 起始與邊界條件(Initial and Boundary Conditions)
B.2 波動方程式解(The solution of Wave Equation)
B.3 兩端固定、不受外力的弦(Both End Fixed String Without Force)
附錄C 建築材料吸音係數