目錄table of contents
署長序Director General’s foreword
處長序Director’s foreword
Distribution Map of Terns in the Penghu Archipelago
一、燕鷗形態外觀名稱Terminology of Tern Morphology and Appearance
二、名詞解釋 Glossary of Terms
The Species and Breeding Distribution of Terns in Penghu
一、澎湖的燕鷗種類The Species of Terns in Penghu
二、繁殖燕鷗各論Detailed Discussion on Breeding Terns
Breeding Numbers and Distribution of Terns in the Penghu Islands
(一)東北海Northeastern Sea
(二)北海Northern Sea
(三)南海Southern Sea
(四)澎湖本島Penghu Main Island
肆、燕鷗的形態與生態Morphology and Ecology of Terns
一、燕鷗的形態與構造Morphology and Structure of Terns
二、燕鷗的社群與領域行為Social and Territorial Behavior of Terns
三、燕鷗的覓食行為Foraging Behavior of Terns
(一) 俯衝型取食方式Diving Feeding Method:
(二)淺啄型取食方式Surface Pecking Feeding Method:
(三) 抵踏型取食方式Treading Feeding Method
(四) 水上飛機型取食方式Waterplane Foraging Method
四、燕鷗的繁殖Breeding of Terns
(一)求偶與交配Courtship and Mating
(二)巢位選擇與築巢行為Nest Site Selection and Nesting Behavior
(三)蛋與窩卵數Egg and Clutch Size
(四)孵蛋與孵化期Egg Incubation and Hatching Period
(五)餵雛與護雛Feeding and Protecting the Chicks
五、燕鷗的遷徙Migration of Terns
伍、澎湖燕鷗生態之旅Ecological Tour of the Penghu Terns
一、蒞澎賞燕鷗須知Important Information for Visiting Penghu to Observe Terns
(一)賞燕鷗時間Time for Observing Terns
(二)賞燕鷗裝備Equipment for Birdwatching Terns
二、澎湖離島賞燕鷗Tern Watching in the Outlying Islands of Penghu
東北海賞燕鷗路線Northeast Sea Tern-Watching Route
北海賞燕鷗路線North Sea Tern Watching Route
南海賞燕鷗路線Southern Sea Tern Watching Route
三、澎湖本島賞燕鷗Birdwatching for Terns in Penghu Main Island
四、我是一位友善的遊客I am a friendly visitor
陸、燕鷗的觀光與保育Conservation and Ecotourism of Terns
一、燕鷗在生態環境的貢獻The Contribution of Terns to the Ecological Environment
(一)提供漁民捕魚的訊息Providing Fishing Information for Fishermen
(二)植物的傳播Plant Dissemination
(三)營養循環Nutrient Cycling
(四)減緩溫室效應Mitigating the Greenhouse Effect
二、燕鷗的危機The Crisis of Terns
(一)掠食者的威脅Threats from Predators
(二)人類的傷害 Human Impact
(三)氣候的變遷Climate Change
三、燕鷗的保育與生態觀光Conservation and Ecotourism of Terns
附錄二、燕鷗分類地位Terns taxonomic status
附錄三、旅遊資訊Travel information