Upon knowing the opportunity to work with my colleagues to publish a series of books in nine different languages, introducing our homeland to foreign expatriates and visitors in Taiwan, I was truly excited about the project! The book series would serve our outbound exchange students or professionals relocated to foreign countries when they introduce Taiwan to their new friends on foreign soil.
As I began collecting materials for my book, I realized that there had been zillions of books written in English introducing Taiwan, let alone those glamourous YouTubers introducing Taiwan’s pop culture and tourist spots on a daily basis. How would my book even begin to compete with those predecessors on the market? I couldn’t help but wonder what approach I should take to yield a different perspective than what’s already available.
I thought about the panic and uncertainty I felt when going abroad for my graduate studies in my early 20s. Those memories of cross-cultural encounters, some hilarious, some embarrassing, came flashing through my mind. I also thought about the “reverse” culture shock that I experienced when I re-entered my own culture after spending many years abroad. Not until then did I know that I was ready to talk about entering a foreign culture. Thanks to the multiple brainstorming sessions with the project faculty, I began to revisit many Taiwanese cultural practices with which I grew up.
The more topics I explored, the more ignorant I realized I had been about my homeland. The more I wrote, the more I rediscovered this place I call home. As if I were given a chance to re-live those moments in history, where the country experienced social and political turmoil, the entire writing process has been a journey for me to re-connect with my roots. Because of the reconnection, I was able to better understand and appreciate the beauty and sophistication behind many cultural practices I once took for granted.
The book is organized into nine chapters as follows:
Chapter 1 Natural Landscapes
Chapter 2 History & Population
Chapter 3 Industry & Innovations
Chapter 4 Religious Mural
Chapter 5 Holidays & Festivals
Chapter 6 Culinary Delights
Chapter 7 Social Pulse
Chapter 8 Folk Practices
Chapter 9 Arts & Entertainment
Within each chapter, there are several short articles surrounding the chapter’s theme, each offering a more in-depth view. Each piece comes with a bilingual text. The Chinese version is usually more condensed and in no way a verbatim translation of the English version. In some cases, the two versions in the same article may differ a great deal. The purpose is to provide the most relevant information under the proper bilingual contexts. Also, some historical events were described without precise citations despite painstaking efforts to double-check for accuracy. Apologies for any undetected errors or omissions, as this is not the intention. The standard pinyin Romanization with tone is used for most of the Chinese words throughout the book except for proper names of cities and places commonly known to the West, such as Taipei, Keelung, Hsinchu, which use the old Wade-Giles spelling.
Heartfelt thanks go to David Yu (游輝弘) for his generosity in granting the book to use his award-winning photographs. These photographs, taken by Mr. Yu in his prime time as a professional photographer, captured many moments in which the people of Taiwan embraced and celebrated life despite political and social unrest. These images have reminded me of the spirit and soul of the Taiwanese people that I take so much pride in. I’m deeply indebted to David for his kindness.
I also want to express gratitude to my proofreader, Ruth Hsu (徐鏴), born and raised in the States, who wouldn’t mind my countless questions for the tedious English problems. Because of her bilingual background, she was able to understand my perspectives perfectly. Her suggestions have worked wonders for which I’m truly grateful.
Finally, if I had written this book long ago, I would have shared it with my grandmother, who didn’t have a chance to visit Taiwan during her lifetime. Granny (親婆), this book is for you!
Cynthia Tsui
Mucha, Taipei
December, 2021
從蒐集資料、篩選主題、閱讀撰寫的過程中,我才驚覺我對我生長的這塊土地竟是如此無知? 可能在歷史社會課本中讀過的反清復明鄭成功、荷蘭日據時代、原住民的遷徙等,背後有太多的先民血淚與社會動盪,都不曾在我年輕時的腦海中駐足,而是要到了步入中年的我,在經過了許多年異鄉求學的洗禮,再回到家鄉後,才能看到家鄉的斑斕過去,也才知道多年來家鄉早已脫胎換骨,擺脫了滄桑的過往,開創了全新的局面。
第一章 地理景觀
第二章 歷史與人口
第三章 商業科技脈動
第四章 宗教信仰
第五章 節慶與祭典
第六章 飲食文化
第七章 社會脈動
第八章 民間習俗
第九章 藝術與休閒
每個章節各有數篇短文,圍繞章節的主題發展。每篇文章都有中、英文的敘述,但不是逐句翻譯,英文版是文章主軸,中文版則主精簡,僅提供文章摘要。書中提及的歷史事件,有些沒有列文獻出處,但已盡可能以非歷史學家的身份來考據。文中大部分使用漢語拼音系統(Pinyin),除了慣用的地名或人名,才會使用韋傑士拼音系統 (Wade-Giles)。