圖書簡介旨在培養學生具備 中華文化與倫理道德 Solid understanding of Chinese culture and ethics能力、國際視野與多元文化 Global outlook and appreciation of cultural diversity能力、藝術品味與人文涵養 The ability to appreciate arts and cultures能力、社會關懷與公民責任 Strong sense of civic responsibility and care of social welfare能力、健全體魄與團隊合作 Sound health and skills in collaboration and teamwork能力、語文能力與溝通表達 Linguistic competence and communication skills能力、創新思維與資訊應用 The ability to think innovatively and to apply information technology for diverse purposes能力、專業知能與主動學習 Professional knowledge and skills as well as motivation for self-learning能力