只要 7 天,掌握老外常用的 100 個英語問句,就能輕鬆跟老外聊天!
◎100 句生活最常用的英語問句
聽到 How are you?,還是只會回答 Fine, thank you. 嗎?明明是很簡單的問句,卻不知道該怎麼用英語回答?精選老外天天在用的生活情境問句,預見可能碰到的問答情境。
針對 100 種情境設計簡短問答對話,每個問句搭配 4 種不同的回答方式,視不同的情況作回答,輕鬆掌握回答的技巧,不再只能回答同樣的話。
掌握 100 句老外最喜歡閒聊的英語問句,再也不怕跟老外聊天!
韓國家喻戶曉的英文補教名師。大學時期就讀韓國外語大學,專攻韓語和英語,畢業後任職於外語補習班,致力於讓所有英語的初學者增強英語程度。1988年藉著KBS FM Radio進入媒體傳播界,活躍於MBC Radio、CBS Radio,並於1990年擔任SBS TV早晨生活英語的主持人,同時也擔任韓國歌手記者會的現場口譯。藉著流行歌曲、電影、小說等,漸漸成為明星名師。
目前在趨勢報紙連載《吳石泰TV英語》和Movieweek的《English in Movies》,也可以在Winglish.com和YES24 e- Running線上收看英文教學網頁。著有:《無計畫的英語會話Follow me》、《吳石泰無字幕看「穿著Prada的惡魔」學英語》、《寇杜和吳石泰的Live English》。
01 你為什麼這麼慢? What took you so long?
02 請問你是做什麼的? What do you do?
03 你的興趣是什麼? What do you do for fun?
04 你在這裡做什麼? What are you doing here?
05 你為什麼事情來這裡呢? What brings you here?
06 你為什麼這麼說呢? What makes you say that?
07 你中餐想吃什麼呢? What do you feel like eating for lunch?
08 你覺得那個人怎麼樣? What do you think of him?
09 那是什麼意思呢? What’s that supposed to mean?
10 你還在等什麼呢? What are you waiting for?
11 為什麼改變想法呢? What changed your mind?
12 你有什麼想法呢? What’s on your mind?
13 你在說什麼? What are you talking about?
14 你在看什麼? What are you staring at?
15 我能幫你什麼忙? What can I do for you?
16 你過得怎麼樣? How are you doing?
17 我看起來怎麼樣? How do I look?
18 你怎麼來這裡的? How did you get here?
19 身體覺得怎麼樣? How are you feeling?
20 怎麼知道我的電話號碼? How did you get my number?
21 你今天過得怎麼樣? How was your day?
22 你是怎麼知道那件事的? How did you know that?
23 你結婚多久了? How long have you been married?
24 要花多久時間? How long does it take?
25 兩個人認識多久? How long have you two known each other?
26 還剩下多久時間? How much time do we have?
27 要我跟你說幾次? How many times do I have to tell you?
28 你一天抽多少菸? How many cigarettes do you smoke a day?
29 去看電影怎麼樣? How about going to see a movie?
30 要不要一起吃午餐? How about meeting me for lunch?
31 你現在為什麼要這樣? Why are you like this?
32 你為什麼這麼做? Why did you do that?
33 你為什麼打扮成這樣? Why are you so dressed up?
34 你為什麼要這麼說? Why do you say that?
35 你為什麼想知道呢? Why do you want to know?
36 你為什麼對他這麼有興趣? Why are you so interested in him?
37 為什麼這個對你那麼重要? Why is it so important to you?
38 你為什麼沒有辦法呢? Why can’t you do it?
39 你為什麼不早一點告訴我? Why didn’t you tell me this sooner?
40 你為什麼沒有打電話給我? Why didn’t you call me?
41 他為什麼心情不好? Why is he upset?
42 為什麼呢? 102Why is that?
43 你為什麼不接電話? Why don’t you answer the phone?
44 你何不跟我們一起去吃個東西。 Why don’t you join us for a bite to eat?
45 你為什麼不問她呢? Why don’t you ask her?
46 你念哪所學校? Where do you go to school?
47 你現在在哪裡? Where are you?
48 你住在哪裡? Where do you live?
49 這是在哪裡買的? Where did you get that?
50 昨天晚上你人在哪裡? Where were you last night?
51 電話是要打去哪裡? Where are you calling?
52 你從哪裡打電話? Where are you calling from?
53 你目前住在哪裡呢? Where are you staying?
54 你是哪裡人? Where are you from?
55 你在哪裡工作? Where do you work?
56 你要去哪裡? Where are you off to?
57 你要放在哪裡? Where do you want this?
58 我們在哪裡? Where are we?
59 我要在哪裡放你下車呢? Where can I drop you?
60 午餐要去哪裡吃呢? Where would you like to have lunch?
61 你什麼時候聽到的? When did you hear?
62 他什麼時候回來呢? When are you expecting him?
63 那是什麼時候的事? When was that?
64 什麼時候見面呢? When do you want to meet me?
65 你什麼時候會回到家呢? When will you be home?
66 你上次見到他是什麼時候? When did you last see him?
67 你什麼時候要做那件事? When are you going to do it?
68 你什麼時候和他分手? When did you break up with him?
69 你什麼時候需要這些? When do you need these by?
70 你打算什麼時候開始呢? When do you want to get started?
71 你什麼時候下決定的? When did you make this decision?
72 面試是什麼時候? When is your interview?
73 你什麼時候要告訴他們? When will you tell them?
74 你什麼時候才要停止教訓我? When are you going to stop lecturing me?
75 你幾點起床? When did you wake up?
76 你還好嗎? Are you okay?
77 你待會要不要去? Are you staying?
78 你還有抽菸嗎? Are you still smoking?
79 這是你的經驗談嗎? Are you speaking from experience?
80 你是認真的嗎? Are you serious?
81 你要不要去? Are you going or not?
82 你在生我的氣嗎? Are you mad at me?
83 你不怕嗎? Aren’t you afraid?
84 你有跟他聯絡嗎? Are you in touch with him?
85 你做完了嗎? Are you finished?
86 你有空嗎? Do you have a minute?
87 你喝酒嗎? Do you drink?
88 你平常運動嗎? Do you work out?
89 要一起去喝咖啡嗎? Do you want to join us for a quick coffee?
90 你喜歡你的工作嗎? Do you like what you do?
91 你介意我吃一點這個嗎? Do you mind if I have some of these?
92 你知道會變那樣嗎? Did you see that coming?
93 你熬夜工作嗎? Did you work all night?
94 你想過這件事嗎? Have you thought about it?
95 你曾減肥嗎? Have you lost weight?
96 你以前見過他嗎? Have you ever seen him before?
97 你聽過他唱歌嗎? Have you heard him sing?
98 我們以前見過面嗎? Have we met before?
99 你開過車嗎? Have you ever driven the car?
100 你去過紐約嗎? Have you ever been to New York?
01 你為什麼這麼慢? What took you so long?
02 請問你是做什麼的? What do you do?
03 你的興趣是什麼? What do you do for fun?
04 你在這裡做什麼? What are you doing here?
05 你為什麼事情來這裡呢? What brings you here?
06 你為什麼這麼說呢? What makes you say that?
07 你中餐想吃什麼呢? What do you feel like eating for lunch?
08 你覺得那個人怎麼樣? What do you think of him?
09 那是什麼意思呢? What’s that supposed to mean?
10 你還在等什麼呢? Wha...