陳守信院士夫人劉欽智,Simmons College的榮譽教授,是非營利組織Global Connection and Collaboration總裁。1998至2003年她是柯林頓總統和布希總統「總統資訊技術顧問委員會」(PITAC) 的成員。
美國國家科學基金會補助之世界級數位計畫的主持人:「全球記憶網」(Global Memory Net),以及與聯合國教科文組織世界遺產中心共同合作的「世界遺產記憶網」(World Heritage Memory Net)。「水木清華網」(NTHU Memory Net) 亦由她所協助建置。
陳守信院士為國立清華大學在臺復校後原子科學研究所第一屆畢業生,梅貽琦校長親自送他 到美國阿岡國家實驗室及密西根大學深造,師事諾貝爾獎得主布羅克豪斯 (B. N. Brockhouse),其博士論文研究有獨創性貢獻,為日後學術界從事晶體散射分析所使用之標準理論。1968年起任教於美國麻省理工學院核工系至 今,2002年獲得該校終身成就獎以彰顯其多年來之研究貢獻,並獲選為國際間多所學術研究學會之會士。
陳院士為國際知名之軟物質 (soft matter) 及複雜流體 (complex fluids) 的靜態及動態結構研究專家,也是世界公認最頂尖之超冷水及界面水分子動態特性研究專家,開創多項理論,領導此方面之研究數十年,對此領域有顯著及重要的貢 獻。其研究成果的重要性可從他論文被廣泛引用的程度看出,根據科學索引指數的統計,在其460餘篇論文中總共被引用超過21,200次,單篇引用最多的超 過625次,有12篇論文被引用超過230次,其專著與編著也是此方面研究與應用之重要參考教科書。
Graduated in 1958 from the first Graduate School of Nuclear Science of NTHU, and immediately went to the US as an International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Fellow to receive training in the peaceful use of nucl ear energy, the founding mission of NTHU, at the Argonne National Laboratory. Then to University of Michigan in 1959.
Completed PhD in Ph ysics under Nobel Laureate, Prof. B.N. Brockhouse at McMaster University, Canada in 1964. Became an Assistant Professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 1968. Promoted to Full Professor with tenure in 1975, and has been Professor Emeritus of Applied Radiation Physics, Department of Nuclear Science And Engineering since 2008.
Academician of Academia Sinica. He has served as an advisor of the NTHU/College of Nuclear Science (CNS) for many years. Received the NTHU’s Distinguished Alumnus Award in 2006, and appointed as an Honorary Chair Professor of the CNS in 2010.
In 2012, he endowed seed fund to set up the Sow-Hsin Chen Distinguished Lectureship on Neutron Science and Techology.