單字都認識 ≠ 文意都了解
程度分級最細── Level 1國中小必考、英語入門必備單字範圍
Level 2國中小必考、日常生活交談必備單字範圍
Level 3國中小必考、多益405-600分、社交生活必備單字範圍
Level 4高中升大學必考、多益605-780分、一般職場商務人士適用單字範圍
Level 5高中升大學必考、多益785-900分、參加英文商務會議適用單字範圍
Level 6高中升大學必考、多益905-990分、參加全球商務研討會適用單字範圍
《英文閱讀保證班》全書共收錄95篇文章,以個別文章程度分成6個Level,單字程度涵蓋基測、學測、多益、日常社交生活、職場商務必備、參加英文商務會議或研討會必備,全面適用國中升高中、高中升大學、英語初學者、多益405-990分程度者,以及職場商務人士,不管是為了學業或職業, 《英文閱讀保證班》都是你絕對不可或缺的讀本!
■ 補教界英語名師──強森(Johnson)
擁有美國UCLA語言教學研究碩士學位,大學時期以優異的英文能力擔任China-Post make-up editor(中國英語郵報編輯),並專任高中家教班英語講師多年,多年來致力於推動全民英檢教學,其任教班級為全體系GEPT中級通過率最高。為一同樣擁有超高人氣的英語補教名師,擅長「英文寫作」和「會話」,道地口音讓學生們大大地提高了上課的興趣。
以〔Level 01 ── Article 01 我對於「國家」的定義〕為例:
I learnt the word “country” when I was four years old. At that time, I knew few things. I was not able to understand how important the word is, so I asked my mother. She told me that our country is not very big, but it is full of trees, flowers, fruits, vehicles, houses and all the other things that I have known.
Later, I learnt that there were a lot of other countries in the whole world. Some of them are bigger than our country, but some of them are smaller. Some of them are stronger than our country, but some of them are weaker. When I got older, I realized that a country is just like a person. For example, I have many friends. Some of my friends are taller than me, so they might be stronger. They always help me when I have difficulties. On the other hand, some of my friends are shorter than me and seems to be weaker. Sometimes, they would fall ill, but every person would try their best to become stronger, and so would a country.
When I grew up, I get the meaning of “country” more deeply. Every person is an important member of their country. If you want your country to be strong, you have to work hard. Every single person is important to form a strong country. In other words, if everyone becomes better and better, the whole country will of course become stronger and stronger. It is also important for young people to realize the meaning and the importance of “country” in the process of education.
四歲時第一次學到「國家」這個名詞。 那個時候,我懂得的事情很少。 不知道這個詞多麼重要,所以問了我的媽媽。 她告訴我,我們的國家雖然不大,但有很多的樹、花、水果、汽車、房子和其他我所知道的事情。
而後,我學習到這個世界上有很多其他的國家,有些國家比我們大,有些比我們小;有些國家比我們強,有些較弱。年紀稍長後,我明白一個國家就像是一個「人」。 例如,我有很多的朋友。有些比我高,所以或許他們更強壯。當我遇到困難時他們總是幫助我。另一方面,有些朋友比我還要矮,看起來比較弱小。有的時候,他們還會生病。但是每個人都盡力讓自己變的更加強大,同樣,國家也是這樣。
當我長大後,我更加深刻的理解「國家」這個字的含意。 每個人都是自己國家重要的成員。如果想讓自己的國家更加強壯,每個人都應該努力地工作。 每個人對於一個強大國家的形成都是很重要的。換句話說,如果每個人都越來越好,我們的國家一定會越來越強大。重要的是,年輕人在受教育的過程中,須了解「國家」的重要性。
1. How old was the author when he learnt the word “country”?
A. Five
B. Forty
C. Four
D. Fourteen
2. Who did the author ask for the meaning of “country”?
A. His friend
B. His teacher
C. No one
D. His mom
3. Which statement is false?
A. It is not important for the young people to learn the importance of “country”.
B. Everyone is an important member of his or her country.
C. If you want your country to be strong, you have to work hard.
D. There are a lot of countries in the world.
4. What does the author thinks a “country” is like?
A. Person
B. Tree
C. Vehicle
D. Houses
5. What does this article imply?
A. We should be strong so we can help our friends
B. It is ok not to understand the meaning of “country” when young.
C. It is important for everyone to understand the importance of a country.
D. If you are short then you must be weak.
( C ) 1. 作者是幾歲時學到「國家」這個詞?
A. 五歲
B. 四十歲
C. 四歲
D. 十四歲
( D ) 2. 作者是向誰請教「國家」這個詞?
A. 他的朋友
B. 他的老師
C. 沒有人
D. 他的媽媽
( A ) 3. 下列何者為誤?
A. 對於年輕人而言學習「國家」並不重要。
B. 每個人都是自己國家的重要成員。
C. 如果你想要國家強大,就必須努力工作。
D. 這個世界上有很多國家。
( A ) 4. 作者將「國家」比喻為?
A. 人
B. 樹
C. 運輸工具
D. 房子
( C ) 5. 這篇文章的主旨是?
A. 我們應該要強壯才能幫助朋友
B. 年輕不明白「國家」的意思並沒有關係。
C. 每個人都應該了解“國家”的重要性。
D. 如果你很矮,你一定很軟弱。
以〔Level 01 ── Article 01 我對於「國家」的定義〕為例:
I learnt the word “country” when I was four years old. At that time, I knew few things. I was not able to understand how important the word is, so I asked my mother. She told me that our country is not very big, but it is full of trees, flowers, fruits, vehicles, houses and all the other things that I have known.
Later, I learnt that there were a lot...