The book is comprised of four chapters including Mountain, Ocean, Space and People. Mountain corresponds to The Holy Mountain of Avatamsaka. From the sacred mountain of Huayan, entering the realm of reality; conventional truth is spoken in the realm of individual phenomena. Ocean refers to The Ocean of Vairocana Buddha Nature. Returning to the essence through the sea of Vairocana; Buddha is the realm of nonobstruction between principle and phenomena. Space represents The Space of Awareness. The universal Dharmakaya is ineffable; in the realm of the one principle the essential nature is emptiness itself. People will go for A Person with A Vow to Action. The vows of Samantabhadra span the three times; the realm of nonobstruction between phenomena—this is the Bodhisattva practice. Readers entering the four realms are expected to practice the universal compassionate action of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva.
心道法師一生致力於推廣愛與和平,陸續成立靈鷲山般若文教基金會、靈鷲山護法會、世界宗教博物館基金會、靈鷲山慈善基金會等,積極投入生命的關懷照護。二○○一年成立全球首座世界宗教博物館,以「尊重每一個信仰、包容每一個族群、博愛每一個生命」為創館宗旨。二○○二年創立國際性非營利機構─ GFLP(愛與和平地球家,Global Family for Love & Peace),推動跨宗教合作,從事保護聖蹟、國際救援等工作。
山之章 華嚴聖山 The Holy Mountain of Avatamsaka
業流 The Flow of Karma
眾生 Sentient Beings
存在 Existence
生命 Life
轉生 Rebirth
當下 In the Moment
意識 Consciousness
護生 Protecting Life
身體 The Body
因果 Cause and Effect
海之章 毗盧性海 The Vairocana Ocean of Reality
放鬆 Relaxation
心源 The Origin of Mind
安心 Mind at Ease
三寶 The Three Jewels
禪味 The Flavour of Chan
空性 Emptiness
聆聽 Listening
覺性 Nature of Awareness
無我 Non-self
休息 Resting
天之章 覺性天空 The Space of Awareness
心即是禪 The Mind is Chan
本來面目 The Original Face
核心能量 The Core Energy
永恆歸宿 Eternal Home
安住持明 Abiding in Illumination
離相真如 Abandon Forms, True Suchness
真心如日 True Mind Like the Sun
清淨覺悟 Pure Awakening
明心見性 Understanding the Mind, Seeing the True Nature
法界一心 Dharma Realm, One Mind
人之章 行願之人 A Person with a Vow to Action
自性懺悔 Repentance to the Self Nature
大慈悲心 Great Compassion Mind
分享證悟 Sharing Awakening
靈覺生活 Awakened Spiritual Life
空中妙有 Wonderful Existence in Emptiness
成就淨土 Perfection of the Pure Land
常隨佛轉 Always Follow the Buddha and Revolve in the Dharma
三身起用 The Application of the Three Bodies
地藏與我 Ksitigarbha and I
頂戴佛陀 Putting Buddha on Your Head