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Happy Trails:A Traveler’s Guide for Everyday English (附光碟)

Happy Trails: A Traveler’s Guide for Everyday English Happy Trails: A Traveler’s Guide for Everyday English

作者:Gary HuangRichard Wright 
圖書介紹 - 資料來源:博客來   評分:
圖書名稱:Happy Trails:A Traveler’s Guide for Everyday English (附光碟)


  Happy Trails is a comprehensive English travel guide aimed at those who would like to gain a stronger competence in everyday travel English.  The book covers a wide range of subjects including chapters on air travel, accommodations, public transport, tours, dining out, car rentals, tourist activities and nightlife, shopping, as well as dealing with common problems such as injury or theft.  Each chapter gives the reader an opportunity to learn new and important vocabulary, listen to and read about practical everyday travel situations, as well as practice these situations with a partner.  The book is ideal for both beginners who are planning to travel in the future as well as seasoned travelers who would like to practice and improve upon their English skills.


UNIT 1   Traveling by Air 1
Part A Reading – What does it say? 2
1-1 Airport Security Is No Joke 2
1-2 The Early Bird Catches the Plane 5
1-3 Not Too Big and Heavy 7
Part B Listening – What are they talking about? 10
1-4 Bon Voyage! 10
1-5 Safety First 13
1-6 Always Pay Attention to the Flight Crew 15
1-7 Always Pay Attention to the Flight Crew 17
1-8 We Don’t Want to Be Separated! 19
1-9 Always Know What’s in Your Luggage 22
1-10 Traveling With Little Ones Is Never Easy 24
1-11 Only My Genius 26
1-12 Always Be Polite 28
Part C Speaking – What am I going to do? 30

UNIT 2   Accommodations 31
Part A Reading – What does it say? 32
2-1 Home Away from Home 32
2-2 Leave the Dog at Home 35
Part B Listening – What are they talking about? 39
2-3 Settling in for the Night 39
2-4 I Get Hungry When I Travel 42
2-5 Don’t Forget to Tip the Bellboy 44
2-6 Always Check out the Brochures 47
2-7 Don’t Try to Take the Towels 49
Part C Speaking – What am I going to do? 51

UNIT 3   Going Around by Public
Transportation 53
Part A Reading – What does it say? 54
3-1 To Tip or Not to Tip, That Is the Question 54
3-2 Please Have Correct Change 57
Part B Listening – What are they talking about? 59
3-3 Put Your Bus Card in a Safe Place 59
3-4 Don’t Lose Your Token 61
3-5 Mr. Cab Driver 63
3-6 Finding Nemo 65
3-7 The Garden of Eden 68
3-8 Going Downtown 70
Part C Speaking – What am I going to do? 73

UNIT 4   Booking Tours 75
Part A Reading – What does it say? 76
4-1 To the Tower 76
4-2 All aboard for Adventure 79
Part B Listening – What are they talking about? 82
4-3 Always Listen to the Tour Guide 82
4-4 A Day at the Museum 85
4-5 To the Tower 88
4-6 Don’t Forget Your Wallet 91
4-7 Yippeekayaye! I wanna Be a Cowboy! 94
Part C Speaking – What am I going to do? 97

UNIT 5   Dining Out 99
Part A Reading – What does it say? 100
5-1 I’m So Hungry I Could Eat a Horse! 100
5-2 May I See the Menu, Please? 103
Part B Listening – What are they talking about? 106
5-3 Come on Down! The Price Is Right! 106
5-4 Always Call Ahead 109
5-5 No Children Allowed? 111
5-6 So Many to Choose from! 113
5-7 Rabbit Food 115
5-8 No Dessert for Me 118
Part C Speaking – What am I going to do? 120

UNIT 6   Road Trips 123
Part A Reading – What does it say? 124
6-1 I Drove All Night 124
6-2 Self-serve Gas Jockey 127
Part B Listening – What are they talking about? 129
6-3 Please Don’t Rent a Lemon 129
6-4 Back Seat Driver 132
6-5 Better Safe Than Sorry 134
6-6 Full Tank/Empty Tank 137
6-7 Sign on the Dotted Line 140
6-8 Cold Hard Cash 142
6-9 Highway Robbery 144
Part C Speaking – What am I going to do? 147

UNIT 7   Activities & Nightlife 149
Part A Reading – What does it say? 150
7-1 Thrill Rides Are Not for Everyone 150
7-2 Short People Got No Reason 153
Part B Listening – What are they talking about? 156
7-3 A Day at the Park Is Not Cheap 156
7-4 Ladies First 159
7-5 If You Like Pina Coladas 161
7-6 Bleacher Creature 164
7-7 Nose Bleed Section, Please 167
7-8 Cheapskate Dad 169
7-9 First Come, First Served 172
7-10 The Gambler 174
Part C Speaking – What am I going to do? 176

UNIT 8   Going Shopping 177
Part A Reading – What does it say? 178
8-1 Shopping Is Fun, Fun, Fun! 178
8-2 Return Policy to Satisfy Your Needs 180
Part B Listening – What are they talking about? 182
8-3 It’s Important to Smell Nice 182
8-4 Beauty Is Only Skin Deep 185
8-5 You Got What You Pay for 188
8-6 It’s Important to Be Comfortable in
the Summer 191
8-7 I Need to Go on a Diet 194
8-8 Time to Get a New Watch 196
Part C Speaking – What am I going to do? 199

UNIT 9   Excuse Me. I Need Assistance. 201
Part A Reading – What does it say? 202
9-1 Using a Calling Card 202
Part B Listening – What are they talking about? 204
9-2 Getting Change for the Laundry 204
9-3 Going to the Farm 206
9-4 Stomach Problems on the Road Are
Never Fun 208
9-5 Cuts and Scrapes Are Common 211
9-6 You Can’t Trust Anybody These Days 214
9-7 Oh Dear! Where’s My Camera? 216
Part C Speaking – What am I going to do? 219
Answer Key 221



  • ISBN:9789866328893
  • 叢書系列: 學習進修
  • 規格:平裝 / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:台灣
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