第一版的作者創造了這本書的原理,同時也成為第二版的基礎。以下包含參與第二版編輯,以及因為各種因素而未參與的人:H.W. de Vries (編輯),B.E. Belshaw,W.J. Biewenga,J.E. Gajentaan,R.P. Happ?,H. Hoogenkamp,D.E. Mattheeuws,F.J. Meutstege,P.G. van Ooijen,R.A.A. van Oosterom,J. De Schepper,R.J. Slappendel,以及G. C. van der Weijden。同時非常感謝比利時根特大學(Ghent University)的Sylvie Daminer審閱本書的第十一章。
我們仍要感謝A.R. Janssen對於圖表的設計(烏特列支)。許多用於第一版的圖表仍沿用於第二版。原先由R.N. van Blokland設計後經Yvonne W.E.A. Pollak修改的表格,將不再出現在本書,而是以pdf格式附在DVD中。
在這個新版本中,所有的章節都經過修訂,並新增爬蟲類一章。另外,有兩章被獨立出來並將內容加以延伸。書中的彩色圖片由J. Fama協助,DVD由M.J.A. Mudde編輯,讓本書更具現代感。我們希望讀者,能對這些新章節的閱讀感到愉快,並將此書成為一個有效的學習伴侶。
A.Rijnberk and F.J.van Sluijs
To the users of the book
This book provides students and veterinarians with information on the first approach of problems owners of companion animals present bring to an animal clinic. History and physical examination are the most important pillars of clinical work. The basic facts and procedures are presented with many illustrations and a DVD with video clips and forms.
Initially the book was primarily meant for the Dutch speaking area (The Netherlands and the Northern part of Belgium) in Europe. However, soon after the appearance of the first edition in 1990 it became clear that there was also a demand from other countries for this detailed description of the primary tools for veterinarians working with companion animals. Consequently the book has been translated in German, English, Spanish, and Japanese.
In the period 1999 – 2004 Dr. Wei Ming Lee, College of Veterinary Medicine, National Chung-Hsing University, Taichung completed a thesis at Utrecht University in The Netherlands. In that research period he became familiar with the way in Utrecht students take medical history and perform physical examination of companion animals. Dr. Lee then felt it would be of interest to students and veterinarians in Taiwan to have access to the contents of the book in complex Chinese language. With the help of Mr. Gary Cheng of Elsevier Taiwan LLC and the contributions of many colleagues of Taiwanese universities there is now this Chinese version of the second edition, which appeared in 2009 in English language.
The editors and the authors hope that the book may serve the quality of the veterinary care of companion animals and that the users may like the problem-oriented stepwise approach.
August 2010, Ad Rijnberk
一直以來,我與幾位同事,一直想將國外好的獸醫教育體系引進到台灣,增加獸醫教育的素質與培育具國際觀的獸醫人才。剛好在我就讀荷蘭烏特列支大學博士班的期間,一邊觀察荷蘭的獸醫教育體系,其中也跟許多老師討論過,在荷蘭的制度是否適用於台灣?一邊尋找一本可供學生學習的教科書。那時,我的指導教授Rijnberk教授與烏特列支大學獸醫系的同仁們,在1990年合寫了一本名為「Medical History and Physical Examination in Companion Animals」的教科書,當時我看到這一本書,就馬上與我的指導教授討論,告訴我的指導教授我想翻譯這本書的想法,那時候是1999年,我的指導教授告訴我,可以稍微再等一下,因為第二版就要出書了。第二版終於在2009年出版了,接著就請台灣愛思唯爾公司幫忙安排整個翻譯工作的流程,翻譯工作則商請台灣大學黃慧璧老師、中興大學鄭豐邦老師、林荀龍老師、賴政宏老師、董光中老師、周濟眾老師、高如?醫師、嘉義大學吳瑞得老師、鄭智嘉老師等各位老師、醫師的幫忙,逐步完成後續的翻譯工作。翻譯這本書的目的,主要是希望藉由這本書的問世,提升獸醫照護的品質,作為獸醫師、獸醫系學生、寵物照護員、以及對寵物照護有興趣人士的學習範本。
兼任獸醫教學醫院院長 李衛民 寫於漱思樓