使用說明 008
職場新鮮人必學會話 010
01.應聘面試 Interview 012
02.自我介紹 Introducingyourself 018
03.贊美工作伙伴 Praising yourpartner 024
04.請同事幫忙 Asking forhelp 030
05.打電話請假 Taking a leaveby phone 036
06.向老板提出建議 Advise foryour boss 042
07.向上司提出請求 Making arequest 048
08.接待公司訪客 Greeting theguests 054
09.交換名片 Exchangingbusiness cards 060
10.報告工作進度 Reporting jobprogress to your boss 066
小測驗解答篇 072
商務會議必學會話 077
11.約定拜訪時間 Arranging anappointment 078
12.詢問報價 Asking for anoffer 084
13.推銷商品 Merchandisepromoting 090
14.請對方盡快做決定 Asking yourcustomer to make a decision 096
15.工作檢查 Job review 102
16.代理權洽談 Discussing adealership 108
17.合約洽談 Contractdiscussing 114
18.議價 Price negotiating120
19.做報告 Presentation 126
20.產品介紹 Productintroduction 132
小測驗解答篇 138
接待外國客戶必學會話 142
21.迎接客戶 Clientgreeting 144
22.介紹公司 Introducing acompany 150
23.介紹產品 Merchandisingintroduction 156
24.參觀生產線 Introducingproduction lines 162
25.招待客戶用餐 Dinner withclients 168
26.招待客戶出游 A tour forclients 174
27.提出和對方合作的條件 Addressingcooperation 180
28.探尋對方的底線 Sounding outthe limits 186
29.延續合作關系 Extending therelationship 192
30.處理投訴 Dealing withcomplaints 198
小測驗解答篇 204
參加海外商展必學會話 208
31.擬訂出差計划 Planning thebusiness trip 210
32.預訂機位 Booking seats216
33.安全檢查 Security check222
34.登記入宿 Check—in at thehotel 228
35.與客戶寒暄 Smalltalks 234
36.說服客戶下訂單 Persuadingyour client to order 240
37.擬訂商展展位 Planning theexhibition 246
38.與客戶交換心得 Experienceexchange 252
39.打電話匯報公司 Reporting toyour company by phone 258
40.撤展位 Closing out thebooth 264
小測驗解答篇 270
辦公室必學會話 275
41.總機接聽電話 Answeringphone calls 276
42.總機轉接電話 Transferringphone calls 282
43.記下留言並轉達 Takingmessages 288
44.安慰被老板批評的同事 Expressingsympathy 294
45.同事升職,給予祝賀Congratulating colleagues on promotion 300
46.指導新同事 Guiding the newcolleague 306
47.提出辭呈 Submitting aresignation 312
48.同事另有高就,給予祝福 Wishing acolleague well 318
49.上司激勵下屬 A motivationalspeech324
50.暗示老板加薪 Asking for araise 330
小測驗解答篇 336