焦糖西瓜與羊乳酪沙拉Caramelized Watermelon and Feta Salad
松露風味炭香野菜沙拉Grilled Season Vegetables with Truffle Salad
櫻花蝦洋芋烤餅Sakura Shrimp Potato Pancakes
蘑菇吐司佐半熟蛋盅Baked Eggs en Cocotte with Mushroom Bread
蛋豆腐與鮭魚佐胡麻腐乳醬Tofu and Salmon Salad with Sesame Dressing
甜蝦與薑汁萊姆芒果沙拉Sweet Prawn & Mango Salad, Lime and Ginger Dressing
高粱酒香溫鯛魚薄片Red Snapper Carpaccio, Kaoliang sauce
煎生蠔佐塔塔醬與小菠菜沙拉Fried Oyster with Tartar Sauce , Spinach Salad
帕瑪火腿沙拉與起司薄餅Green Salad and Parma Ham ,Cheese Pizza
炭烤雞肝與甜菜頭沙拉Grilled Chicken Liver with Beetroot Salad
酸奶焗烤培根洋芋Potato and Bacon in Sour Cream Gratin
義大利蔬菜烘蛋Vegetable Frittata
英式農舍派Cottage Pie
炸乳酪飯糰佐野菇醬汁Deep Frying Rice Ball with Mushroom Sauce
炭烤雞肉起司帕尼尼Grilled Chicken Panini
雞肉餃子與鮮菇牛蒡清湯Burdock & Mushroom Soup with Chicken Dumpling
焗烤菠菜千層麵捲Baked Spinach Lasagne Rolled
竹筍香菇飯與嫩煎雞腿肉Chicken with Bamboo Shoot & Mushroom Rice
爐烤南瓜湯與培根乳酪脆片Roasted Pumpkin Soup with Bacon and Cheese Bread
海瓜子燉飯與嫩煎紅尾鳥Red Mullet with Sea Clam Risotto
蘑菇起司焗烤與酪梨醬Mushroom Queso Fundido with Guacamole
法式乳酪蘆筍鹹派Asparagus and Smoke Salmon Quich
溫燉白花椰菜與炙燒干貝Cauliflower Casserole with Sear Scallop
慢煮午魚佐乾番茄蛤蜊濃汁Poached Fish in Dry Tomato & Clam Sauce
甜椒燜燉花枝Calamari & Bell Pepper Stew
勒番茄沙沙Confit Salmon with Tomato Salsa
香烤紅鯛與蔬菜佐風味青醬Grilled Red Snapper with Basil Pasto
星洲辣椒明蝦Singapore Chili Prawns
南洋風咖哩螃蟹Malaysian style Curry Crab
榛果奶油鱈魚佐酸豆檸檬Cod Fisf with Brown Butter
鹽烤海鮮與三種風味沾醬Baked Seafood in a Salt Crust
嫩煎馬頭魚與海苔風味燉菜 Red Tilefish with Nori & Vegetable Stew
蒜酥透抽炒青花椰菜Broccoli & Squid with Garlic Stir Fry
泰式風味紙包淡菜Papillote of Thai Style Mussles
燜燉白酒蘑菇燉牛頰Braised Mushroom & White Wine Beef Cheek
紅酒梅子燉豬肉Plum Pickles Braised Pork Belly
奶油花雕燜煮小雞腿Farm Chicken Braised in Huadiao Wine
荷葉鴨胸與慢煮葡萄乾醬汁Duck Breast in Lotus Leaves with Raisins Sauce
香料羊排與烤蔬菜Roasted Lamb Rack with Vegetable
炭燒羊肉沙嗲串Lamb Satay with Peanut Sauce
法式牛肉燉菜湯Pot au feu
番茄雞肉丸與溫泉蛋Chicken Meatballs with Egg Mollet
爐烤脆皮春雞與燴煮培根青豆 Roast Spring Chicken with Fresh Peas
燉烤白豆與蘋果豬里肌Pork Lion Roll with White Bean Casserole
紅莓茄汁燉牛尾Red Berry and Tomato Braised Ox Tail
油封鴨腿與炒蘑菇洋芋Crispy Duck Leg Confit with Sarladaise Potatoes
咖啡黑糖香蕉煎餅Banana Pancakes with Coffe & Brown Sugar Sauce
櫻桃提拉米蘇Cherry Tiramisu
甜酒枇杷與法國吐司Loquat French Toast
脆皮焦糖蘋果酥Caramelized Apple Pillo Pie
爐烤鳳梨可麗餅Crepes Filled with Roasted Pineapple
蘭姆風味焗烤水蜜桃Peach Ratin with Rum Sabayon
烤水果麵包與煉乳淋醬Strawberry Sweet Buns with Condensed Milk
蛋白霜百香果塔Passion Fruit Meringue Tart
柑橘香草米布丁 Vanilla Rice Pudding with Fresh Tangerine
莓果甜湯與香草冰淇淋 Sweet Berry Soup with Vanilla Ice Cream
巧克力熔岩蛋糕Molten Chocolate Cake
覆盆子卡夫蒂鬆糕 Raspberry Clafouti