1.1美式主食大集合 American Main Courses
用英文聊美食 聊天必備Talking About Food In English
Waiter A: Good afternoon sir. What would you like to order?
Customer B: It’s my first time in America. I want to try some typical American food. What do you recommend?
Waiter A: Roasted pork ribs are the quintessence of American BBQ cuisine, and "New Orleans style pork roast" is the most representative. It adds a special flavor known as "Cajun cause," which is a mixture of more than ten spices. It is not only Americans' favorite, but also attracts Asians who enjoy heavy taste.
Customer B: Sounds great, but it's not lunch time yet. I'm afraid that if I just eat meat, it will cause me an indigestion.
服務生A:那真是太可惜了,不然我還想推薦您品嘗美國人最愛的肉類料理--牛排呢! 那麼您覺得漢堡如何呢? 一般美式漢堡除了漢堡排(Hamburger steak)以外,還可以改成魚排、雞排或豬排等,也可以搭配不同的配料和調味料,讓口感更豐富、更美味。
Waiter A: What a pity, or else I'd recommend you American's favorite meat cuisine, steaks! Would you like to have a burger then? In general, American style burgers, except for hamburger steaks, can be switched to fish, chicken, pork, etc.. We can also put other ingredients or sauces into the burger, making it rich and tasty.
Customer B: I heard that if I come to southern America, I should try the local fried chickens. Since there are already fried chickens and burgers at fast food restaurants in Taiwan, I would like to try something rare and special.
服務生A:那麼墨西哥捲餅怎麼樣呢? 墨西哥捲餅是用一張墨西哥薄餅(tortilla)將肉餡、蔬菜等捲成U字型。餡料從烤牛肉、雞肉、豬肉、魚蝦、乳酪都有,搭配的醬料則有莎莎醬(salsa sauce)、酪梨醬(guacamole)、碎番茄粒(pico de gallo)等。
Waiter A: How about burritos? Burritos are made by folded tortilla with meat stuffing and vegetables. The stuffing can be beef, chicken, pork, seafood or cheese. You may also choose various sauces such as salsa sauce, guacamole, or crushed tomato (pico de gallo).
Customer B: Burrito? Isn't it Mexican cuisine?
Waiter A: Burrito is a traditional Mexican dish for sure, but Mexican food is common in American families. Mexican food deeply influenced American's dining culture, and it is considered part of American cuisine.
客人B:聽說墨西哥料理被譽為世界名菜,與法國菜和中國菜並駕齊驅,看來果真不假,那我就來一份烤牛肉的墨西哥捲餅吧! 謝謝你。
Customer B: I heard that Mexican cuisine is one of the most famous cuisines in the world, like French and Chinese ones. I would like to have a roast beef burrito. Thank you.
Waiter A: Alright, one roast beef burrito. It will be served right the way.
飲食小百科 文化大不同Differences in Cultures
牛在各國文化中的定位 Cattle Around the World
印度 Cattle In India
India, also known as "the Cattle Kingdom," treats cattle as sacred animal. In India, people drive carefully to avoid cattle, and cattle hide products are forbidden in temples. They avoid taking pictures of cows, and of course, beef is out of their diet.
美國Cattle In America
Beef is the most widely used ingredient in American diet culture. Asians try to avoid bloody meat, so they prefer to cook it; Americans prefer to eat it with blood to preserve its original taste and nutrition. They usually just roast the whole piece of steak and cut it in slices to keep its original taste.
日本Cattle in Japan
Japan had implemented a policy of abstention from meat for nearly thousand years, and the ban was lifted only in modern era. Beef became the main choice of meat under Western influence, and it also became the favorite animal ingredient, except for fish.
西班牙Cattle in Spain
It's very popular in Spain to eat cattle tripe and tails. It is said that after bullfighting, all bulls died in the battle are sent into the kitchen. However, not all fighting bulls become their food. In some cases, bullfighters have limited time and frequency to take down the bulls. If the bullfighter fail to take down the bull within the limit, the host will order the bullfighter to stop the event. People consider the survived bull as divine animal, and allow it to die naturally. It will also be buried, instead of being sent into kitchens.
中國Cattle in China
In Chinese dictionary, there are over three hundred words starting with "cattle." Many philologists believe that it is a symbol of the close relationship between cattle and Chinese culture. In Ancient China, cattle can be sacrificed to gods, and its bones can be used for divination. Cattle is strong, and it can be used for transportation. Cattle is also sources for food and clothing. More importantly, Chinese use cattle for cultivation. There are many folk legends based on cattle, which illustrate the importance of cattle in Chinese culture.
菜餚的故事 你知道嗎? Stories About Food
漢堡的起源 The Origin of Hamburgers
最常聽到的說法是,漢堡源自於德國一個名叫「漢堡」(Hamburg)的海港城市,當地的人們把牛肉剁碎之後做成肉餅來食用。十九世紀中期,牛肉餅的作法隨著德國移民傳入美國本土,並逐漸在街頭巷尾流行了起來。另一個說法則是出自大航海時代,因為當時儲存在船艙內的肉塊乾硬不好食用,一艘從歐洲將移民載往北美洲的船隻「漢堡─阿美利加號」(Hamburg America)上的廚師為了能吃到柔嫩的肉塊,因此在船上發明了把碎牛肉剁成末的烹調方法,並搭配加有洋蔥肉餅的麵包食用。當船上的移民抵達北美之後覺得這種肉餅麵包經濟又實惠,便普遍成為人們的日常三餐。
It is said that the origin of hamburgers was from a harbor city named Hamburg, Germany, where people made patty with smashed beef. In the mid-19th century, German immigrants introduce it to America and it became popular. Others said that in the Age of Exploration, meat stored inside ship cabin often became too dry and too tough to eat. A chef who served in "Hamburg America," a ship carrying immigrants from Europe to America, invented the method of meat patty to keep the tenderness. The patty was also served with onions and breads. This affordable food item got popular when the immigrants arrived in America, and eventually became American's daily meals.
實用會話 聊天必備 Useful Phrases
電話訂位 Making a Reservation by Phone
A: Good afternoon. Shi Shen Restaurant. How may I help you?
B: I'd like to reserve a table for this evening.
A: For how many people?
B: For 6 people. We will come at 7:00.
A: I'm so sorry, but we're fully booked this evening at 7:00. Would you be willing to dine earlier or perhaps a little latter?
B: Earlier might not be possible. If we come later, when will a table be available?
A: As of right now, you might have to wait until 7:40 pm for a table.
B: 7:40 then. Will you still have the classic thick-cut steak by that time?
A: Yes, you will definitely enjoy it. Don't worry.
B: That's great. I am visiting with friends.
A: Thank you for choosing Shi Shen Restaurant. May I have your name and phone number for the reservation?
B:沒問題。我叫Tom Handerson。電話是1800-333-0276。
B: No problem. My name is Tom Handerson and my phone number is 1800-333-0276.
A:謝謝您,Mr. Handerson。食神餐廳恭候您與您的朋友於今晚7點40分蒞臨。
A: Thank you, Mr. Handerson. Shi Shen Restaurant awaits you and your friends tonight at 7:40.
好用句型 點餐必會Sentence Patterns
1. Can I sit here?/Can I take this seat?
會這句更加分:Excuse me, is this seat taken ?
2. I'll have a burger, and one large order of French fries.
order:訂購、叫 (餐點或飲料)
會這句更加分:Are you ready to order?
3. Will you be eating here or is this to go (take out)?
For here or to go?
外帶: Take out, please.
內用: I'll eat here.
4. May I have some more ketchup, please?
會這句更加分:He spotted his shirt with ketchup.
5. Q: How about onions or mustard? 要加洋蔥或芥末嗎?
A: Yes, please. 好的,謝謝。
會這句更加分:This mustard does not bite much.
6. How do you like your steak cooked?/How would you like it cooked?
Medium well, please.
全熟well done/七分熟medium well/五分熟medium/三分熟medium rare/一分熟rare