Braving the Storm of Sorrows" touches on diverse subjects such as relationships, happiness, and the ever-present human quest for true freedom. Through exploring themes so close to our everyday experience and inviting us to be mindful of every moment that each day offers us, it proposes that we become intimately acquainted with our fears and our sorrows, thereby empowering ourselves to transform them into joy and confidence.
It offers tips on training our minds, so that we may achieve such transformation in the midst of the hustle and bustle of our most-often hectic daily routines.
Braving the Storm of Sorrows thus invites us to take a fresh look at our lives, opening our eyes to witness the abounding opportunities for awakening that our lives are teeming with. Accessible and down-to-earth, in this book the reader will find practical and plainspoken advice on how to courageously face and overcome the challenges every day brings.
Shang LongrikGyatso Rinpoche
Shang LongrikGyatso Rinpoche's spiritual pursuit began at a very young age and has spanned many decades, in which he received the complete lineages of all four major Vajrayana schools—Nyingma, Kagyu, Sakya, and Gelug—from numerous lineage holders and great yogis of our time in India, Tibet, Nepal and Bhutan. Rinpoche has acquired all the necessary empowerments, transmissions, and teachings to become a fully-qualified Vajrayana master. Furthermore, he is a recognized tulku (reincarnate lama), authenticated by eminent lineage holders and distinguished masters of our time.
Rinpoche is direct heir to the lineage of Shang Rinpoche (one of the "Three Jewels of Tibet") and has received the complete empowerments, transmissions and teachings pertaining thereto from his root master, the reincarnation of the great tertonTachinDorjeLingpa. Apart from the supreme Vajrayana lineages, Rinpoche is holder of the direct lineages of the Linji and Caodong branches of the Chan school, and of the great Chan Master Xuyun. Furthermore, he is heir to the teachings of the Taoist Southern Sect (Nanzong).
Embodying, upholding and protecting such venerable and precious traditions, Rinpoche has devoted his life to spreading Buddhist teachings in order to benefit all sentient beings. For over three decades, he has been tirelessly and unceasingly guiding thousands of students and practitioners from over 25 countries. Wherever he goes, the powerful blessings of his lineages follow.
Whilst upholding authentic Dharma, Shang Rinpoche skillfully acknowledges the inherent challenges of the era we live in, using the context of modern life to impart precious teachings to his students.
Enacting the Dance of Everlasting Vitality
Shang Rinpoche often says, “The length of a person’s life is not important, but one must be accountable for it.” Everyone is granted a life, but are they able to live it with brilliance and meaning? Or do they simply blindly follow the crowd? The ability to decide this has always been in our hands, yet compelled by the tumultuous currents of life, some lose their sense of direction, while others have the misfortune of being submerged! In order to commandeer your sailboat with stability, you certainly must possess even greater wisdom. Perhaps we are not particularly endowed with wisdom, but please believe that in every generation there will appear a few sages who are possessed with this sense of direction and come to direct the herd of lost sheep. Or there may be some reincarnated buddhas and bodhisattvas who are unwilling to let go of or abandon those people who need them.
We must admit that information has oversaturated this age and that people’s inner ability for awareness has been blunted. It is even more terrible how the environment has worsened to the point that it renders people powerless. All sorts of illnesses which doctors are unable to do anything about have appeared one after another in this century, including spreading epidemics. Furthermore, there are diseases such as depression, bipolar disorder, and the like which are not clearly understood. It is nearly impossible to avoid these afflictive forces which plague us incessantly from morning to night. Other than spending huge sums of money to attend spiritual growth seminars, is there any other way for this generation to acquire a wisdom which is eternal? Shang Rinpoche has said, “The light of a firefly comes from within itself, and the radiance of wisdom must gradually come to illuminate and extend and proliferate from within the continual experience of frustration and defeat. Nobody can help you with this.”
Thus, Rinpoche guides us to start from inner awareness to get acquainted with our minds. How shall we coexist with our afflictions? How to trek out of the deep valley of our life? How to seize the moment, to transform ourselves, to achieve a true state of ease and allow the power with our life to extend infinitely? How to become the master of our own life? We must still begin with understanding our own mind. And how do we accomplish that? It is exactly this treasure which we now recommend to each and every reader in the form of these precious texts.
-the editor
Chapter 1: Transforming Despondence into a Miracle
Over the years, in my experience with people, I have noticed that a person’s tenacity dictates their ability to handle stress. These people also tend to happily take on challenges. Even though they have gone through countless twists in the road, in the darkest and most trying times, they always witness miracles. It all boils down to their conviction that the most important treasures in life can only be found in the deepest, most desolate abyss. When the diva Madonna was at her lowest point, there were still people asking her for help and no one could believe that $35 was everything she had. Right from the start, Gandhi was prepared to sacrifice his life for his cause, and so was truly free and uninhibited when he was alive. A world-renowned pantomime comedian was once asked, “How do you view your life?” He replied cleverly, ”I look at my life up close and from afar. At close range, it is a tragedy; however, once I step back and take the distant view, it overflows with marvels and opportunities. So, life is indeed filled with fun and comedy.”
Chapter 24: Finding True Happiness For Yourself
If you really wished to ask me what attaining real happiness is, I would have to tell you, “Happiness is just like a complex network of roots burrowing ever deeper under the soil. These roots would rather remain hidden and nurture the trunk for it to grow tall and strong, and the branches thick and laden with fruit, so that everyone can share in its spoils. Forever hidden from the sun, the roots are nonetheless quite content. This is nothing more than what the Bodhisattvas of the past did, offering their own flesh and blood to nourish the beings of the six realms. The ground covered in their own blood and their bodies almost too weak to stand, they still entertained no thought about their own suffering. They continued to bleed for the benefit of beings. The happiest person in the world is the one who can give up all pleasure and benefit, so that all beings might share in their good merit, influence and fame.”
Another kind of happiness is that which comes from ceaselessly offering up one’s love - just as a queen bee might sacrifice herself for the her worker bees. I have read the biographies and poetry of the happiest people in the world. The difference between such individuals and regular people is that the former will not give themselves any excuse to fall prey to worry, and that they unwaveringly pursue their ideals, their goals, and the happiness and benefit of others. They never spend a single minute or even a single second on themselves. They just keep on loving and giving.
Chapter 1: Transforming Despondence into a Miracle
Over the years, in my experience with people, I have noticed that a person’s tenacity dictates their ability to handle stress. These people also tend to happily take on challenges. Even though they have gone through countless twists in the road, in the darkest and most trying times, they always witness miracles. It all boils down to their conviction that the most important treasures in life can only be found in the deepest, most desolate abyss...
I) Transformation Transforming Despondence into a Miracle The Courageous Ones Transforming the suffering of humiliation into something miraculous Learning of Ways to Deal With Stress What’s an affliction, anyway! Transformation All Afflictions Can Be Solved How to Outsmart Attachments The True Winner Be Free From Fears and Build True Confidence
II) Relationships There is No Absolute Fairness in This World Rinpoche’s heartfelt advice Code of Conduct for Citizens of Earth The Way to a Harmonious Marriage The Importance of Respect Compassion is the root of success Generosity, a kiss to another with your true heart Bodhisattvas Amongst Humans
III) Happiness The Importance of Humor Awareness in Happiness The Eternal Flame of Happiness Happiness Finding True Happiness For Yourself
IV) Freedom True Freedom Is it Really Necessary to Take Refuge? Life Without Retirement Espresso for the Mind Taking after the Sky Revelations of a Horse
V) Training the Mind Have you set your mind straight? The Three Essentials of Mind Training Never Trivialize Seemingly Insignificant Words and Deeds Reaching a Settlement With Your Mind Seven Self-Suggestion Pointers How to correctly apply your mind and thoughts The Worst Enemy of Afflictions The One Thing Not to Forget While Panicking The Noble Path Starts from the Trailhead
VI) The Present Moment Dwelling Place of the Mind Purity: Mind in the Here and Now The key is to make best of the “now” The Beauty of Life Lies in Self-Discipline Extend the Present Moment Indefinitely
VII) Awakening Awakening How to Break Through the Ego Enlightenment through Focus on the Everyday Self-reflection is the Source of Liberation Your Life Overflows with Opportunities for Enlightenment Path to Liberation
I) Transformation Transforming Despondence into a Miracle The Courageous Ones Transforming the suffering of humiliation into something miraculous Learning of Ways to Deal With Stress What’s an affliction, anyway! Transformation All Afflictions Can Be Solved How to Outsmart Attachments The True Winner Be Free From Fears and Build True Confidence
II) Relationships There is No Absolute Fairness in This World Rinpoche’s heartfelt advice Code of Con...