Blue Chip is a three-level series created according to the principles of multimodality and based on English Central's videos. It introduces multiple forms of communication, such as images, words, and videos, all related to each other to provide a holistic meaning. The combination of computer-based technologies and multimodal presentation offers a productive learner environment that promotes English acquisition and learning autonomy.
Each level of Blue Chip contains 12 units divided into four categories:social activity, movie, business and academic studies. Moreover, four extension activities introduce current and interesting facts about the rest of the world. There are seven parts to each unit.
Key Features
‧搭配 English Central 獨家授權多媒體影音教材,讓教材內容更豐富活潑
‧Authentic video 讓學生自然地接觸生活化的真實語言
‧English Central 學習平台提供多元的練習活動,除了聽力、字彙測驗、線上錄音與語音辨識外,每週都會新增影片,讓同學做最即時的學習
‧TOEIC 形式的練習,讓同學準備英檢考試更輕鬆