他們的角色 位列三公
像個總理大臣 另一種稱呼的宰相 一樣的氣宇軒昂 少一點爾虞我詐的口角風波 多一些氣勢磅礡
一旦江湖裡失去了傳說的英雄 市場的秩序
就進入崩壞 等待重整
於是 傳說中的英雄 又會重出江湖
Their roles, as important as a prime minister
With the strong atmosphere, but less tricks on each other
Once the stage lost its hero, the order of the market, will collapse, and awaits to be aggrange again
By then, the hero in the legends, will be back again
──節錄自〈傳說 英雄重出江湖〉