■ University of Manchester, MA in Linguistics(英國曼徹斯特大學語言研究所文學碩士)、 University of Leeds, BA in English language and literature(英國里茲大學英文語文與文學系文學士)。
■ Cambridge Certified Examiner(劍橋認可官方考官)、Cambridge CELTA(劍橋英語國際教學認證)。
■ English teacher in University of Manchester International Student Centre(英國曼徹斯特大學國際學生會英文講師)、技嘉科技、中華汽車、CMC中環集團、國瑞(TOYOTA)汽車等各大公司高階管理人英文講師。
■ 超過14年IELTS雅思教學經驗。真正語言本科系英籍老師,專精於文法及寫作,協助多名學生順利進入劍橋、牛津、倫敦政經等名校。
■ 目前住在台中,並在語言樹國際文教Oak Tree Education擔任教學總監一職。
Hanna Hu
■ University of Manchester(英國曼徹斯特大學研究所畢業)。
■ 上市軟體公司專案管理Project Manager。
■ 專案管理師PMP。
■ 多年英語教學經驗,曾任多家大型企業主管英文家教。參與多項國科會計畫翻譯與國際級會議外籍人員隨行翻譯。
■ 專業留學文件撰寫,協助百位學生順利進入世界頂級名校。
■ 和James Brown合著《連雅思主考官都讚嘆的雅思寫作解題祕笈》、《連雅思主考官都讚嘆的雅思閱讀高分祕笈》、《連雅思主考官都讚嘆的雅思單字+文法》,和Kevin King合著《全球通用的服務業英文:用英文直接做生意,溝通零距離,成交最快速!》(我識出版社)。
Chapter 01 關於雅思測驗
About the IELTS Test
Chapter 02 關於雅思聽力測驗
About the IELTS Listening Test
Chapter 03 雅思聽力測驗的準備及技巧
Preparation and Tips for the IELTS Listening Test
|第一部分 |
Chapter 04 關於時間與日期的聽力測驗題型
Listening for Times and Dates
Chapter 05 關於數字的聽力測驗題型
Listening for Numbers
Chapter 06 關於個人資訊的聽力測驗題型
Listening for Personal Information
Chapter 07 關於度量衡單位的聽力測驗題型
Listening for Units of Measurement
Chapter 08 第一部分:複習
Section One: Review
|第二部分 |
Chapter 09 關於地點與問路的聽力測驗題型
Listening for Places and Directions
Chapter 10 聆聽關鍵字
Listening for Keywords
Chapter 11 做出合理的推理
Making Logical Inferences
Chapter 12 認識否定(或矛盾)題型
Understanding Contradictions
Chapter 13 第二部分:複習
Section Two: Review
In some ways, listening to and understanding other people is the key to good communication. Being able to understand others can help us to appreciate different perspectives, give us ideas, and helps to create more mutual understanding in the world.
Although for native speakers, listening may seem like the easiest thing in the world, for those learning English as a second language, it can be a challenge to understand the “real meaning” of others in conversation and during lengthy speeches.
The IELTS Listening test is unlike other listening tests that you may have taken before. Rather than only testing your ability to hear keywords, IELTS challenges you to understand the whole of what is said, not simply identifying a few words. As such, you may find some elements of the test to be a struggle.
Nevertheless, I hope that by studying this book and improving your holistic listening skills, you will become better listeners, and consequently better communicators in real life.
I would like to thank my wonderful baby daughter, Caroline, who has taught me that there are always new ways to listen to others.