Even though I had to read this book through Google Translate, The Tao of Rust is an extremely interesting book. It starts off explaining exactly why it is different: it's a book that gets you to think about Rust, and its perspective on the world. I only wish I could read it in its native tounge, as I'm sure it's even better then! I have been working on Rust for six years now, and this book changed my perspective on some aspects of the language. That's very powerful!
即使我不得不透過Google 翻譯閱讀這本書,但也不難發現這是一本非常有趣的 書。它解釋了Rust 為何與眾不同:這本書可以讓你思考Rust,以及Rust 語言所 蘊含的世界觀。我好希望能讀懂中文原版書,因為我相信它會更精彩!我已經 從事Rust 的相關工作六年了,這本書改變了我對Rust 語言的某些看法。非常強 大!
Steve Klabnik,Rust 官方核心團隊成員及文件團隊前負責人
I knew Rust was a notoriously difficult programming language to learn, but it wasn't until I read the preface to The Tao of Rust, by Alex Zhang, that I realized why it is so difficult. Alex writes: Rust covers a wide range of knowledge, including object-oriented, functional programming, generics, underlying memory management, type systems, design patterns, and more. Alex covers all of these topics and more in The Tao of Rust. A single text that ties all of this together will be invaluable for Rust learners. So far I've read a couple of chapters translated from the original Chinese, and I can't wait to read more.
Rust 語言難學,這已經是眾所皆知的了。但是直到我看到 Alex(張漢東)的前言 時,我才明白它為什麼如此難學,Alex 寫道: 「Rust 有關的知識範圍非常廣泛,涵蓋了物件導向、函數式、泛型、底層記憶體 管理、類型系統、設計模式等知識。」
本書涵蓋了所有這些主題和內容,並且將這些內容有機地聯繫在一起,這對Rust 的學習者來說是非常寶貴的。我閱讀了本書部分內容的英文譯稿後,就已經迫不 及待地想要閱讀更多的內容了。
Patrick Shaughnessy,《 Ruby 原理剖析》原著作者