讀者亦可自後者譯詩中體會出作者對求「信、達、雅」的要求所作的努力(如「金婚吟」之譯文),也可發現作者為求用詞凝煉所作之苦心推敲(如“To See a World …”之譯文),體會緊密結合、層層迭起的句法(如“Class Reunion”),使用各種行中韻增加聲韻協暢之實例(如「蝶戀花」(歐陽修)之譯文))。更可體會平樸流宕的小品(如「春怨」(金昌緒)之譯文)以及婉轉抒情的筆調(如“Adoring Tulips”)等不同的手法。
臺大法律系學士,加拿大McGill University圖書暨資訊管理學院碩士,及該校航空暨太空法研究所(Institute of Air and Space Law)碩士。加拿大University of Ottawa法學院之大學部及研究所專任教授,講授英美法法源,英美法方法學及法律寫作等課程。曾數度接受邀請前往中國大陸講學。也曾在「福特基金會」(Ford Foundation)的贊助下,為北京一所著名的學術研究機構籌劃世界人權法資料中心。
2. Guide to Legal Citation and Sources of Citation Aid: A Canadian Perspective, 2nd ed. (Toronto, De Boo, International Thompson Ltd., 1988),及
3. Guide to Legal Citation: A Canadian Perspective in Common Law Provinces (Toronto, De Boo, International Thompson Ltd.,1984).
●第一 雙語詩詞(Bilingual Poems and Lyrics)
A Song of Golden Anniversary
Joys Beyond Words: To Fred and Leia
To My Babe
The Selfie of “She”
A Poet’s License
Malecon’s Magdalene
Declining Years
Beating the Clock
An Encounter
Happy Birthday to You
In Celebration of a Friend’s Ninetieth Birthday
A Naked Mind
A Hall to Graveyard
A Lone Goose
A Long Hiatus
Adoring Tulips
Nothing Accomplished
●第三 英詩(Poems Composed in English)
To My Other Father
To Our Dearest Leia
To Larry and Melissa
In Memory of the God-Man
Why I Want to Know Him More?
Grasp Without Reach?
The Sound of Silence in a Nursing Home
Second to None?
The Innocent
Class Reunion
The True Color of Lies
Politicians’ Gimmick
Doctor-assisted Death
A Living Stone Without a Soul
The Man Who Spoils His Boss at Home
The Specter of Death
Crib Death
The Irony of Excitement
A Short Visit
●第四 中詩(詞)英譯(Poems and Lyrics Translated from Chinese into English)
The Book of Songs · Odes of Zhou and South · The Tào-yāo
The Book of Songs · Odes of Bei · The Jing-nȕ
秋風辭 劉徹
The Words of Autumn Wind Liu Chè
詠懷 阮籍
Exposition of Feelings Ruăn Ji
飲酒(第七首) 陶淵明
Drinking Wine (No. 7) Táo Yuān-ming
飲酒(第十三首) 陶淵明
Drinking Wine (No. 13) Táo Yuān-ming
Dunhuang Quziciji · Ch’ing-pei lo
渡漢江 宋之問
Crossing the Hàn River Song Zhi-wen
渭城曲 王維
A Song at Wèi Chéng Wang Wei
鹿柴 王維
Lù Chái Wang Wei
哥舒歌 西鄙人
A Song in Honor of General Gēshū Author Unknown
越中覽古 李白
Touring the Relics in the Middle Land of the Yuè Li Po
菩薩蠻 李白
Pú-sà mán Li Po
月下獨酌 李白
Drinking Alone in Moonlight Li Po
春日醉起言志 李白
Life Perceived After Waking up from a Drink in Springtime Li Po
春日憶李白 杜甫
Thinking of Li Po on a Spring Day Dù Fǔ
畫鷹 杜甫
A Painted Hawk Dù Fǔ
怨詩 孟郊
A Poem of Despair Mèng Jiāo
問劉十九 劉禹錫
An Invitation to Liú Shijiŭ Liú Yŭ-xī
浪濤沙 劉禹錫
Làng-tāo shà Liú Yŭ-xī
戲贈友人 賈島
To a Friend for Fun Jiă Dăo
送人東遊 溫庭筠
Seeing a Friend off to the EastWēn Ting-jūn
更漏子(一) 溫庭筠
Gèng-lòu zì (No. 1) Wēn Ting-jūn
更漏子(二) 溫庭筠
Gèng-lòu zì (No. 2) Wēn Ting-jūn
更漏子(三) 溫庭筠
Gèng-lòu zì (No. 3) Wēn Ting-jūn
更漏子(四) 溫庭筠
Gèng-lòu zì (No. 4) Wēn Ting-jūn
菩薩蠻(一) 溫庭筠
Pú-sà mán (No. 1) Wēn Ting-jūn
菩薩蠻(二) 溫庭筠
Pú-sà mán (No. 2) Wēn Ting-jūn
商山早行 溫庭筠
Morning Departure from Mountain Shāng Wēn Ting-jūn
無題 李商隱
Untitled Lĭ Shāng-yĭn
寄令狐郎中 李商隱
A Message to Official Līng Hú Lĭ Shāng-yĭn
落花 李商隱
Falling Flowers Lĭ Shāng-yĭn
嫦娥 李商隱
The Moon Goddess Lĭ Shāng-yĭn
無題(一) 李商隱
Untitled (No. 1) Lĭ Shāng-yĭn
無題(二) 李商隱
Untitled (No. 2) Lĭ Shāng-yĭn
無題(三) 李商隱
Untitled (No. 3) Lĭ Shāng-yĭn
無題(四) 李商隱
Untitled (No. 4) Lĭ Shāng-yĭn
無題(五) 李商隱
Untitled (No.5) Lĭ Shāng-yĭn
瑤池 李商隱
The Jasper Lake Fairyland Lĭ Shāng-yĭn
賈生 李商隱
The Scholar Jiă Lĭ Shāng-yĭn
蟬 李商隱
Cicada Lĭ Shāng-yĭn
籌筆驛 李商隱
A Marshal’s Posthouse Lĭ Shāng-yĭn
錦瑟 李商隱
A Luxurious Zither Lĭ Shāng-yĭn
為有 李商隱
Lest He Misses Her Lĭ Shāng-yĭn
春雨 李商隱
Rain in Spring Lĭ Shāng-yĭn
涼思 李商隱
A Woeful Thought Lĭ Shāng-yĭn
風雨 李商隱
Rain in the Wind Lĭ Shāng-yĭn
隋宮(一) 李商隱
The Suí’s Palace (No. 1) Lĭ Shāng-yĭn
隋宮(二) 李商隱
The Suí’s Palace (No. 2) Lĭ Shāng-yĭn
北青蘿 李商隱
To a Green-vine Hut in North Lĭ Shāng-yĭn
登樂遊原 李商隱
A Ride to an Ancient Tomb Lĭ Shāng-yĭn
宮詞 薛逢
A Palace Poem Xuē Féng
灞上秋居 馬戴
Autumn Life at Bà Plain Mă Dài
馬嵬坡 鄭畋
Mă Wēi Pō Zhèng Tián
菩薩蠻(詞組五首) 韋莊
Pú-sà mán (No.1-No.5) Wéi Zhuāng
女冠子 韋莊
Nǚ-guàn zì Wéi Zhuāng
章台夜思 韋莊
Brooding at Night in Terrace Tower Wéi Zhuāng
金陵圖 韋莊
A Bird’s-eye View of Jinling Wéi Zhuāng
書邊事 張喬
Recording Frontier Affairs Zhāng Qiáo
已涼 韓偓
The Crept-in Cold Hán Wò
春怨 金昌緒
Blues in Spring īn Chāng-xú
春宮怨 杜荀鶴
A Palace-lady’s Grudge in Spring Dù Xún-hè
除夜有作 崔塗
A Note on New Year’s Eve Cuī Tú
貧女 秦韜玉
A Destitute Girl Qín Tāo-yù
寄人 張泌
A Note to You Zhāng Mì
菩薩蠻 無名氏
Pú-sà mán Author Unknown
雜詩 無名氏
An Ad-lib Poem Author Unknown
鵲踏枝 馮延巳
Què-tà zhī Féng Yán-sì
相見歡 李煜
Xiàng-jiàn huān Lĭ Yù
虞美人 李煜
Yú-mĕi yén Lĭ Yù
浪濤沙 李煜
Làng-tāo shā Lĭ Yù
破陣子 李煜
Pò-zhèn zì Lĭ Yù
渡中江望石城淚下 李煜
Gazing in Tears at the Stone City, While Crossing the River Lĭ Yù
相見歡 李煜
Xiàng-jiàn huān Lĭ Yù
浣溪沙 李煜
Huàn-xī shà Lĭ Yù
一斛珠 李煜
Yī-hú zhū Lĭ Yù
菩薩蠻(一) 李煜
Pú-sà mán (No.1) Lĭ Yù
菩薩蠻(二) 李煜
Pú-sà mán (No.2) Lĭ Yù
Pú-sà mán (No.3) Lĭ Yù
浣溪沙 李璟
Huàn-xī shà Lĭ Jĭng
定風波 柳永
Dìng-fēng bō Lìǔ Yǎng
滿江紅 柳永
Mȃn-jiān hóng Lìǔ Yǎng
雨霖鈴 柳永
Yù-lín líng Lìǔ Yǎng
八聲甘州 柳永
Bā-shēn gān-zhōu Lìǔ Yǎng
夜半樂 柳永
Yè-bàn lè Lìǔ Yǎng
戚氏 柳永
Qī-shì Lìǔ Yǎng
歸朝歡 柳永
Guī-cháo huān Lìǔ Yǎng
鬻鹽歌 柳永
A Song of Sea-water Brewers Lìǔ Yǎng
蝶戀花 歐陽修
Dié-liàn huā Ōu-Yang Xiū
杏花 王安石
An Apricot Flower Wáng Ān-shí
江城子 蘇軾
Jiāng-chéng zì Sū Shì
送鄭戶曹 蘇軾
Seeing off Financial Officer Zhèng Sū Shì
寄子由(摘自中秋月寄子由三首) 蘇軾
To Zĭ Yó Sū Shì
紅梅 蘇軾
Red Plum Sū Shì
木蘭花令 蘇軾
Mù-lán huā-lìng Sū Shì
念奴嬌 蘇軾
Niàn-nú jiāo Sū Shì
水調歌頭 蘇軾
Shuĭ-diào gē-tóu Sū Shì
水龍吟 蘇軾
Shuĭ-lóng yín Sū Shì
八聲甘州 蘇軾
Bā-shēn gān-zhōu Sū Shì
浣溪沙 周邦彥
Huān-xī shā Zhōu Bāng-yàng
●第五 英詩中譯(Poems Translated from English into Chinese)
That Time of Year Thou May’st in Me Behold —William Shakespeare
The Expense of Spirit—William Shakespeare
The Rape of the Lock—Alexander Pope
The Echoing Green—William Blake
“To See a World…”—William Blake
Ah, Sunflower—William Blake
Composed upon Westminster Bridge—William Wordsworth
I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud—William Wordsworth
In the Churchyard at Cambridge —Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Inscription For Mayre’s Heights, Fredericksburg—Herman Melville
碑文 為弗雷德里克斯堡之瑪莉高地而作—赫爾曼‧梅爾維爾
Four Ducks on a Pond—William Allingham
Memory—Thomas Bailey Aldrich
Somebody’s Darling—Marie Ravenel de la Coste
Epitaph on an Army of Mercenaries—A.E. Houseman
Easter—Geoffrey Anketell Studdert-Kennedy
Dulce et Decorum Est—Wilfred Owen
To me, poetry is a life-long hobby. My interest in poetry started when I was in high school and has continued ever since. However, it was not until late 1980s that I started to translate poems. Often, in a carefree mood during my leisure time, whenever I came across with a poem that inspired me, I would make an effort to translate it from its source language into a target language. This exercise of associating images in two different languages with the utmost degree of verisimilitude excited me and the joys derived from pursuing such a task were beyond words to describe.
In earlier years of my retirement, the joys of translation enriched my ability to compose poems in both Chinese and English. Vivid scenes gliding through the vicissitudes of life that touched my heart, the epiphany arising from cherished images through personal feelings, and a new, subtle change of diverse outlooks towards my retirement years – all would go far to justify the motivation to write a new poem. As a result, a vast number of unpublished poems, original or translated, was worked out with the aid of a long-time devotion to poetry.
In recent years, I spent time editing some of those readable poems and organized them by categories into a collection of 176 poems and lyrics selected and included in a book, entitled “The Epiphany of a Carefree Mind-An Anthology of Poems and Lyrics in Chinese and/ or in English.”
The core contents of this book, as suggested by its title, epitomize the intellectual activities of a life-long hobby.
I wish to dedicate this book to my uncle in appreciation of the time and efforts he spent bringing me up and to my wife for celebrating our 50th anniversary.