哈維爾‧貝略Javier Bello
哈維爾‧貝略,從馬德里孔普魯騰塞大學獲西語文學博士學位,現任智利大學拉丁美洲及智利文學助理教授。第一本詩集La noche veneosa出版於1987年,此後詩作得到廣泛的發表、收錄及翻譯。1992年獲任Pablo Neruda基金會成員。曾獲獎項包括Gabriela Mistral市政文學獎(1994)、Jaime Gil de Biedma國際詩歌獎(1998)、Juan Ramón Jiménez西語美洲詩歌獎(2006)、Pablo Neruda詩歌獎(2007)等。
(Chile 智利)
Javier Bello holds a Ph.D. in Spanish Literature from the Complutense University of Madrid and is now Assistant Professor in Latin American and Chilean Literature at the University of Chile. He published his first book of poems La noche venenosa (Concepción, Letra Nueva) in 1987. Since then his poems have been widely published, anthologized and translated. In 1992, he became a fellow of the Pablo Neruda Foundation. His honours include The “Gabriela Mistral” Municipal Literary Prize (1994), The “Jaime Gil de Biedma” International Poetry Prize (1998), The “Juan Ramón Jiménez” Hispanic American Poetry Prize (2006), The “Pablo Neruda” Award (2007), etc.