This album is a collection of Kong’s Hong Kong natural scenery paintings since 2011. Even those who are brought up in Hong Kong may not have personally seen nor set foot at those natural wonders.
Kong not only depicts what he physically sees in his works, but also presents his spiritual understandings, linking the artistic spirit with the nature. This corresponds with his pursuit in the “artistic spirit”. As what Kong stated in the Foreword, “I hope that… the first thing you can observe or feel is not the professional skill of the painter, but a symphonic poem gifted to Hong Kong people by God. The music from heaven and the undulations of spirituality are nectar to cleanse your soul.”
Let’s all cherish Hong Kong, the much blessed piece of land.
序一 Foreword1 李焯芬Prof. Chack Fan Lee, GBS, SBS, JP
序二 Foreword2 黃鴻慈Prof. Hong Ci Huang
前言 Introduction 江啟明Kai Ming Kong
太平山 Victoria Peak
西高山 High West
香港仔水塘 Aberdeen Reservoir
大潭灣與水塘 Tai Tam Bay and Tai Tam Reservoir
孖崗山 The Twins
石澳龍脊 Dragon's Back, Shek O
石澳 Shek O
鶴咀之狗髀洲 Kau Pei Chau, Cape D'Aguilar
南丫島 Lamma Island
蒲台島 Po Toi Island
蒲台島僧人石 Monk Rock, Po Toi Island
橫瀾島 Waglan Island
中華白海豚 Chinese White Dolphin
梅窩與銀礦灣 Mui Wo and Silvermine Bay Beach
大嶼山貝澳村 Pui O Tsuen, Lantau Island
大嶼山分流 Fan Lau, Lantau Island
芝麻灣及芝麻灣懲教所 Chi Ma Wan and Chi Ma Wan Correctional Institution
大嶼山狗牙嶺 Kau Nga Ling, Lantau Island
大嶼山之大東山 Sunset Peak, Lantau Island
鳳凰山 Lantau Peak
大嶼山東涌河谷 Tung Chung Valley, Lantau Island
大嶼山昂坪心經簡林 Wisdom Path, Lantau Island
長洲人頭石 Human Head Rock, Cheung Chau
索罟群島 Soko Islands
吉澳黃泥洲之「靈龜守洞」 Apparition of Turtle the Custodian, Wong Nai Chau, Kat O (Crooked Island)
弓洲之「獅子滾球」 Lion Rolling Balls, Kung Chau Island
塔門呂字疊石 Layered Rocks, Grass Island
赤洲全貌 Port Island (Chek Chau)
赤洲小島之「群鼠出洞」 Escape of Mice, Port Island (Chek Chau)
赤洲微斷層 Faults at Port Island (Chek Chau)
赤洲人工巢箱 Nest Box at Port Island (Chek Chau)
鳳凰笏 Fung Wong Wat
東平洲 Tung Ping Chau
東平洲更樓石 Watch Tower Rock, Tung Ping Chau
東平洲的沉積岩 Sedimentary Rock of Tung Ping Chau
東平洲海床 The seabed of Tung Ping Chau
吊鐘洲之「金魚擺尾」 Goldfish Wagging Tail, Tiu Chung Chau
吊鐘洲 Tiu Chung Chau
橋咀洲 Sharp Island (Kiu Tsui Chau)
牛尾海相思灣之大坑口石蛋 Rocky Egg at Tai Hang Hau, Sheung Sze Wan, Port Shelter
清水灣大癩痢 Trio Island, Clear Water Bay
清水灣檳榔灣水紋岩岸 Wave Rock, Pan Long Wan, Clear Water Bay
東龍洲 Tung Lung Chau
東龍洲南堂尾 Tathong Point, Tung Lung Chau
北果洲和南果洲 North Ninepin Island and South Ninepin Island
北果洲之銀瓶頸 "Silver Bottleneck", North Ninepin Island
北果洲之地獄岩 "Hell Rock", North Ninepin Island
南果洲 South Ninepin Island
南果洲之穿窿門 Sea Arch of South Ninepin Island
甕缸群島 Ung Kong Islands
西貢沙塘口山海蝕拱 Sea Arches of Bluff Island (Sha Tong Hau Shan)
沙塘口山 Bluff Island (Sha Tong Hau Shan)
扁洲、圓崗洲及棟心洲(三洲) Pin Chau, Yuen Kong Chau and Tung Sam Chau (Ung Kong Islands)
橫洲 Wang Chau
橫洲崖壁 Seaward Cliff of Wang Chau
橫洲角海蝕拱 Sea Arch in Wang Chau Kok
甕缸群島之橫洲角 Wang Chau Kok, Ung Kong Islands
火石洲 Basalt Island
火石洲欖挽角海蝕拱 Lam Wan Kok Arch in Basalt Island
伙頭墳洲 Town Island (Fo Tau Fan Chau)
破邊洲 Po Pin Chau
萬宜水庫 High Island Reservoir
萬宜水庫火山複褶的流紋岩 Acidic Rhyolite in High Island
萬宜水庫流紋岩海岸 Coastal View of Rhyolitic Ash Tuff in High Island
西貢花山 Fa Shan, Sai Kung
白腊 Pak Lap
糧船灣群島 High Islands (Leung Shuen Wan)
糧船灣之白虎山上看東心角海岬 East Angular Headland, Pak Fu Shan, High Island
清水灣釣魚翁山 High Junk Peak, Clear Water Bay
西貢鹹田 Ham Tin, Sai Kung
西貢望魚角 Mong Yue Kok, Sai Kung
西貢罾棚角千柱海岸 Pillar Coast, Tsang Pang Kok, Sai Kung
西貢大浪西灣 Tai Long Wan West, Sai Kung
西貢大鏟洲 Tai Tsan Chau, Sai Kung
大浪灣對出的長咀洲 Cheung Tsui Chau, Tai Long Wan
大洲(大浪三洲之一) Tai Chau, Tai Long Wan
企嶺下海的榕樹澳 Yung Shue O, Three Fathoms Cove
青洲之鶴岩 Crane Rock, Green Island
蚺蛇尖 Sharp Peak
橫嶺 Wang Leng
短咀 Tuen Tsui
深涌 Sham Chung
浪茄灣 Long Ke Wan
赤徑之大蚊山下 Foot of Tai Mun Shan, Chek Kang
西貢嶂上 Cheung Sheung, Sai Kung
西貢西灣路 Sai Wan Road, Sai Kung
八仙嶺 Pat Sin Leng
荔枝窩 Lai Chi Wo
對話(荔枝窩) Dialogue (Lai Chi Wo)
三椏灣 Sam A Wan
船灣淡水湖 Plover Cove Reservoir
船灣九担租村 Kau Tam Tso, Plover Cove
馬屎洲「石龍」 The "Dragon Rock" of Ma Shi Chau
紅石門 Hung Shek Mun
娥眉洲之長岩 Infinite Rock, Crescent Island
黃竹角咀之鬼手岩 Eerie Hand Rock , Wong Chuk Kok Tsui
新娘潭 Bride's Pool
烏蛟騰 Wu Kau Tang
大埔三椏涌 Sam A Chung, Tai Po
大埔鳳園蝴蝶保育區 Fung Yuen Butterfly Reserve, Tai Po
梧桐寨之散髮瀑 Disheveled Waterfall, Ng Tung Chai
榕樹凹 Yung Shue Au
印洲塘六寶 Treasures of Double Haven (Yan Chau Tong)
南涌與鹿頸 Nam Chung and Luk Keng
鴨洲 Ap Chau
鴨洲之鴨眼 "Duck's Eye" at Ap Chau
鴉洲 A Chau
吉澳之飛鼠岩與觀音洞 Flying Squirrel Rock and Bodhisattva Cave, Kat O (Crooked Island)
望夫石 Amah Rock
大金鐘 Pyramid Haill
馬鞍山 Ma On Shan
鹿巢山之蜥蝪石 Lizard Rock, Luk Chau Shan
大帽山 Tai Mo Shan
大帽山下 Foot of Tai Mo Shan
草山 Grassy Hill
金山獼猴 Macaque of Kam Shan
針山 Needle Hill
城門水塘 Shing Mun Reservoir
青山 Castle Peak
西貢企嶺下的紅樹林 Mangrove at Kei Ling Ha, Sai Kung