著有《強大內心的自我對話習慣》的伊森‧克洛斯博士(Ethan Kross, PhD),是密西根大學情緒與自制力實驗室主持人,從科學實證的角度,加上真實生活中的案例,說明情緒為何是人類必備的重要能力。儘管戀人分手的心碎感,考試、看醫生前的焦慮感,或塞在車陣中的憤怒感……不勝枚舉的情緒常令人痛苦不安,但科學研究顯示:情緒就好比人體的免疫系統,能夠提醒我們注意周遭的狀況,以做出及時反應,避開威脅、增加生存勝率。失控的癥結在於當情緒過於強烈時,人們可能因為過度焦慮而無法專注地完成手邊任務,或陷入憂鬱、憤怒中,無法自拔……如何才能駕馭情緒,讓它成為適當的助力,不反被情緒所駕馭呢?情緒管理,無疑是人人必修的重要課題。
- 「如果你認為自己難以控制情緒,這本書可以幫助你轉個彎思考。」——《逆思維》(Think Again)作者,華頓商學院教授亞當‧格蘭特(Adam Grant)
- 「作者開創性的研究成果推翻根深蒂固的迷思……無論是面對日常的煩惱還是重大變故,本書提供的策略,都能把情緒轉化為助力,而非阻力。」——《紐約時報》得獎記者,《為什麼我們這樣生活,那樣工作?》(The Power of Habbit)作者查爾斯‧杜希格(Charles Duhigg)。
A myth-busting, science-based guide that addresses the timeless question of how to manage your emotional life using tools you already possess—from the bestselling author of Chatter.
Whether it’s anxiety about going to the doctor, boiling rage when we’re stuck in traffic, or devastation after a painful break-up, our lives are filled with situations that send us spiraling. But as difficult as our emotions can be, they are also a superpower. Far from being “good” or “bad,” emotions are information. When they’re activated in the right ways and at the right time, they function like an immune system, alerting us to our surroundings, telling us how to react to a situation, and helping us make the right choices.
But how do we make our emotions work for us rather than against us? Acclaimed psychologist Dr. Ethan Kross has devoted his scientific career to answering this question. In Shift, he dispels common myths—for instance, that avoidance is always toxic or that we should always strive to live in the moment—and provides a new framework for shifting our emotions so they don’t take over our lives.
Shift weaves groundbreaking research with riveting stories of people struggling and succeeding to manage their emotions—from a mother whose fear prompted her to make a spur-of-the-moment decision that would save her daughter’s life mid-flight to a nuclear code-carrying Navy SEAL who learned how to embrace both joy and pain during a hellish training activity. Dr. Kross spotlights a wide array of tools that we already have access to—in our bodies and minds, our relationships with other people, and the cultures and physical spaces we inhabit—and shows us how to harness them to be healthier and more successful.
Filled with actionable advice, cutting-edge research, and riveting stories, Shift puts the power back into our hands, so we can control our emotions without them controlling us—and help others do the same.