LinkedIn、 Inflection AI共同創辦人雷德‧霍夫曼(Reid Hoffman),不僅是科技領域知名的企業家與投資者、多家公司董事會的成員,同時也服務於史丹佛大學人本人工智慧(HAI) 顧問委員會等多個非營利組織,掌握矽谷與AI最前線的重要資訊。他以資深業內人士的觀點,分享AI將如何協助人類突破現況,讓我們的世界和未來,處處充滿機會與希望。
「雷德‧霍夫曼在書中再次展現他的長處:分析挑戰、提出解決方案,致力實現公平機會。未來工作者將大幅運用科技來代理個人、組織、營運流程及跨組織的事務,運用可信任的工具,以提高產值,解決極為複雜的問題。作者融合經驗、研究和幽默感,提醒我們舉凡電力,甚至像是大規模印刷書籍之類的技術剛問世時,也曾被視為威脅。」——微軟董事長兼執行長薩蒂亞·納德拉(Satya Nadella)
「《超級代理人》(Superacency)提供關鍵視角,說明AI如何協助我們應對全球當下最急迫的挑戰,並確保社會中的每個人,都能因這項技術而受益。這是一本非常重要的讀物。」—— 比爾·蓋茲(Bill Gates)
Tech visionary Reid Hoffman shares his unique insider’s perspective on an AI-powered future, making the case for its potential to unlock a world of possibilities.
Superagency offers a roadmap for using AI inclusively and adaptively to improve our lives and create positive change. While acknowledging challenges like disinformation and potential job changes, the book focuses on AI’s immense potential to increase individual agency and create better outcomes for society as a whole.
Imagine AI tutors personalizing education for each child, researchers rapidly discovering cures for diseases like Alzheimer's and cancer, and AI advisors empowering people to navigate complex systems and achieve their goals. Hoffman and co-author, tech and culture writer Greg Beato envision a world where these possibilities, and many more, become a reality.
Superagency challenges conventional fears, inviting us to view the future through a lens of opportunity, rather than fear. It’s a call to action – to embrace AI with excitement and actively shape a world where human ingenuity and the power of AI combine to create something extraordinary.