"Miriam S. Chaiken is an Assistant Professor of Anthropology at Indiana University of Pennsylvania, and a graduate of the University of California at Santa Barbara. She has conducted applied anthropological research both in the Philippines (1980-81) and in Kenya (1984-1987) and served as a consultant to UNICEF, the Rockefeller Foundation, and the International Labour Organization. Her research interests include nutrition intervention design, new lands settlement, and women and development. Anne K. Fleuret holds a Ph.D. in Cultural Anthropology from the University of California, Santa Barbara, and has taught at California State University Los Angeles, The American University, and the University of Nairobi. Her fieldwork in Tanzania (1975-1977) and Kenya (1981-present) supported by NSF, SSRC, and NIH has examined relationships among food production, distribution, and consumption and their nutritional outcomes. Publications include articles in journals such as Human Ecology and Human Organization, as well as numerous book chapters. She is currently completing a book-length manuscript on the socioeconomic determinants of nutritional status in rural Kenya."