"The Summit" is not another book of advocacy for the environment though it is a response to such a book by biologist Edward Wilson. It asks the question, what are the root causes of the human dilemma, which now cloud our future and might render the earth unlivable at the turn of the century. "The Summit" is a hike through history and pre-history, and takes the reader to the moment when thinking was born. It challenges the concept of a profit driven society by calling for a new educational concept, which will cultivate our innate abilities like love, compassion and empathy. The new concept will make us forever aware of our interdependence with the biosphere. The dividends in terms of happiness will be much higher than an economic investment can achieve. It will usher in a new age of culture, arts and religion. The call for a New Charter of Love and Compassion must become the rallying point of all who want to ensure that we have a future on this planet. Once the Millennium Generation makes it its battle cry we will see real change happening. Asking for the purpose of your life? Here it is: help us shape and bring about the New Charter. Life will be fun again. "The Summit" is a manifesto for this purpose.