Early in his relationship with his beloved Border Collie, Jeff Maziarek had a sense that "beneath the fur" there was a sentient being with far deeper insights into life than commonly thought. And, in their last year together some mystical events completely confirmed the accuracy of that feeling. In Codi’s Journey, Jeff describes these events within the context of an inspiring and heartfelt narrative illustrating the very challenging circumstances Codi faced during her final 12 months. Any dog owner who has ever shared stories about the "humanness" of their pet, as well as any adult who has ever loved & lost a beloved animal companion, will surely find this work captivating.
To provide even greater depth into Codi’s story, Jeff details how this feisty canine became a part of his family. He likewise shares many engaging anecdotes about her personality and several of her more memorable adventures over the years. A charming photo gallery with 42 captioned images further brings Codi to life, featuring snapshots from the night she arrived as a 10-week-old puppy to the final week of her life. "Codi’s story is one told with great heart; you will care about this dog as you think about your own dogs. Anyone who has ever loved and lost canine companions will definitely identify with this work."- Steve Dale, syndicated radio host: WGN Radio; "Pet World;" syndicated columnist, USA Weekend Contributing Editor "This book captures the dynamics of being a pet owner and the guilt, grief, and commitment that many pet owners go through in loving and losing a pet. As someone who has "been there," it was reassuring that I am not the only one to feel those things, to do whatever it took to save them and, when the time came, to let them go. Any book that can stir laughter as well as tears is a wonderful story. Codi’s Journey is awesome." - Terri Wernert, Great Lakes Border Collie Rescue "I’ve experienced the extraordinary love and grievous loss that comes when we’re lucky enough to share our lives with amazing creatures. Codi’s Journey tells that story with candor, joy & tears. Since they cannot stay long, our four-legged kids teach so much about the importance of honoring each and every moment we’re given with them, a lesson we might do well to apply elsewhere. A friend once told me that dogs are angels sent down to look after us. Codi’s Journey affirms that belief!" - Catherine Crier, Author, Former Judge, Award-Winning Journalist, and TV Broadcaster "For anyone who has experienced a spiritual canine connection, Codi’s Journey is a must read. It’s a touching tribute to a man’s search for a very special pup and the heart-warming life journey they shared." - Eugenia Last, Internationally Syndicated Astrologist and Author "This is a remarkable story of a man’s best friend and the powerful bond between dog and owner that will make you laugh, as you read about Codi’s playful way of teaching wisdom, and cry as man & friend prepare for the next steps in life’s great journey. It is a definite "must-read" for dog lovers who have lost a dear canine friend." - Pete Koerner, author of "The Belief Formula" Author’s Personal Note: My foremost intention with this work is to share an authentic story with two key messages. First, that our pets actually are "sages with fur" with a far greater understanding of life (and us) than commonly thought. Second, that it’s perfectly normal to feel intense & long-lasting grief at the loss of a pet. This is particularly so when that animal served as an adult’s primary companion for years.In this regard, I sincerely want any reader who also has experienced such a loss to know that someone truly does understand the sadness and emptiness they felt when their beloved pet passed on. Finally, it’s my hope that such readers come to understand how important it is to fully process their feelings of grief by really feeling them rather than keeping them locked up.