Dean the Bean gets a Screen is an entertaining, fun, and engaging story with a purpose, written in a memorable Seuss-like rhyme. Perfect for children ages 4-10, this book offers an easy way for parents to introduce their kids to the vital issue of "screen addiction" through a likeable character named Dean the Bean. While written for kids, the book serves as a reminder to us all that we are human beings with lives worth living and opportunities to experience--not just "Do-Nothing Beans" addicted to our favorite virtual leash.
The story: Dean is a cute, bored bean who wants excitement in his life. When he discovers the joys and encompassing fascination offered by various electronic platforms/screens (televisions, computers, cell phones, etc.), he forfeits his real life for life ’on the screen.’ Dean soon gets addicted to his screens and his real life suffers. At last he realizes that his virtual-world has lost its color, but he finds his way back to the beauty of real-life when he steps away from his screens and their ’make-pretend existence.’ Dean encourages us all to put our screens in ’time-out’ from time-to-time so we can experience the joys that await us when we unplug from their influence. Screens are fun and useful, but they can take over our lives if we’re not careful.
Dean the Bean is like The Social Dilemma for kids-it sounds the warning in a hilarious format that children can understand.