Primordial American Terrorists presents a stunning new interpretation of events leading to the end of legal slavery in the United States. It tells a gripping story, not only of terrorists who struck suddenly and savagely out of intense passion for a cause, but also, of equally passionate men and women who dedicated themselves to bringing about social justice through advocacy and other non-violent means. It is for any reader who enjoys learning about humanity through the lens of a history that is never fictionalized. Whenever a new act of terrorist violence bursts upon us, we strain to find the comfort of a logical explanation. That effort, though, is fraught with paradox. One of the most profound is the duality observed in the personality of the perpetrator. In lives apart from their defining act, terrorists frequently are lauded by friends and family as upstanding individuals, distinguished for kindness, good behavior, and charity ... It has been noticed that terrorists, in their mental makeup, tend to resemble each other. Our mission is to address the questions: How and why?