有 4192 項符合
M. D. M.
的圖書,這是第 128 頁
$ 1647 | A Sermon, Preached, in the College of Philadelphia, at the Ordination of the Rev’d. Samuel Jones, A.B. By Morganedwards, A.M. Minister of the Baptist
出版社:Gale Ecco, Print Editions
語言:英文 規格:精裝 / 74頁 / 23.39 x 15.6 x 0.64 cm / 普通級/ 初版
博客來 - 宗教總論
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$ 1702 | A Medical Treatise on the Virtues of St Bernard’s Well; Illustrated With Select Cases: Addressed to Francis Garden, ... Auctore J. Taylor, M.D.
出版社:Gale Ecco, Print Editions
語言:英文 規格:精裝 / 150頁 / 23.39 x 15.6 x 0.97 cm / 普通級/ 初版
博客來 - 醫學總論
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$ 1757 | The Divine Companion: Or, David’s Harp new Tun’d Being a Choice Collection of new and Easy Psalms, Hymns, and Anthems Compos’d by the Best M
作者:Multiple Contributors
出版社:Gale Ecco, Print Editions
語言:英文 規格:精裝 / 194頁 / 23.39 x 15.6 x 1.27 cm / 普通級/ 初版
博客來 - 語言學總論
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$ 1812 | New Views of the Origin of the Tribes and Nations of America. By Benjamin Smith Barton, M.D. Correspondent-member of the Society of the Antiquaries of
出版社:Gale Ecco, Print Editions
語言:英文 規格:精裝 / 212頁 / 23.39 x 15.6 x 1.27 cm / 普通級/ 初版
博客來 - 社會科學總論
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$ 1812 | The Surgical Works of the Late John Jones, M.D. ... To Which are Added, a Short Account of the Life of the Author, With Occasional Notes and Observati
出版社:Gale Ecco, Print Editions
語言:英文 規格:精裝 / 246頁 / 23.39 x 15.6 x 1.6 cm / 普通級/ 初版
博客來 - 醫學總論
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$ 1867 | Pinkethman’s Jests: Or, wit Refin’d. Being a New-year’s Gift for Young Gentlemen and Ladies. In two Parts. I. Containing a Collection of M
出版社:Gale Ecco, Print Editions
語言:英文 規格:精裝 / 280頁 / 23.39 x 15.6 x 1.75 cm / 普通級/ 初版
博客來 - 語言學總論
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$ 2032 | An Inquiry Into the State of Medicine, on the Principles of Inductive Philosophy. With an Appendix; ... By Robert Jones, M.D
出版社:Gale Ecco, Print Editions
語言:英文 規格:精裝 / 396頁 / 23.39 x 15.6 x 2.24 cm / 普通級/ 初版
博客來 - 醫學總論
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$ 2252 | A Complete System of General Geography: Originally Written in Latin by Bernhard Varenius, M.D. Since Improved and Illustrated. By Sir Isaac Newton and
出版社:Gale Ecco, Print Editions
語言:英文 規格:精裝 / 562頁 / 23.39 x 15.6 x 3.18 cm / 普通級/ 初版
博客來 - 現代史
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$ 2252 | The art of Preventing Diseases, and Restoring Health, Founded on Rational Principles, and Adapted to Persons of Every Capacity. By George Wallis, M.D.
出版社:Gale Ecco, Print Editions
語言:英文 規格:精裝 / 572頁 / 23.39 x 15.6 x 3.18 cm / 普通級/ 初版
博客來 - 醫學
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$ 1482 | The Principles of a Methodist. By John Wesley, M.A. ... Occasion’d by a Late Pamphlet, Intitled, A Brief History of the Principles of Methodism
出版社:Gale Ecco, Print Editions
語言:英文 規格:精裝 / 38頁 / 23.39 x 15.6 x 0.64 cm / 普通級/ 初版
博客來 - 宗教總論
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$ 1702 | A Discourse had in the College-Hall at Cambridge, March 27. 1722. Before the Baptism of R. Judah Monis. By Benj. Colman, V.D.M
出版社:Gale Ecco, Print Editions
語言:英文 規格:精裝 / 150頁 / 23.39 x 15.6 x 0.97 cm / 普通級/ 初版
博客來 - 宗教總論
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$ 1812 | Bibliotheca Meadiana, Sive Catalogus Librorum Richardi Mead, M.D. qui Prostabunt Venales sub Hasta, apud Samuelem Baker, in Vico Dicto York Street, Co
出版社:Gale Ecco, Print Editions
語言:英文 規格:精裝 / 252頁 / 23.39 x 15.6 x 1.6 cm / 普通級/ 初版
博客來 - 法律總論
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